Specific viral RNA drives the SARS CoV-2 nucleocapsid to phase separate
C. Iserman, C. Roden, M. Boerneke, R. Sealfon, G. McLaughlin, I. Jungreis, C. Park, A. Boppana, E. Fritch, Y. Hou, C. Theesfeld, O. Troyanskaya, R. Baric, T. Sheahan, K. Weeks, A. Gladfelter
Structure-Based Protein Function Prediction using Graph Convolutional Networks
V. Gligorijevic, D. Renfrew, T Kosciolek, J. Koehler, D. Berenberg, T Vatanen, C Chandler, B Taylor, I. Fisk, H Vlamakis, R Xavier, R Knight, K Cho, R. Bonneau
Inference of Bacterial Small RNA Regulatory Networks and Integration with Transcription Factor-Driven Regulatory Networks
M Arrieta Ortiz, C Hafemeister, B Shuster, N Baliga, R. Bonneau
Macromolecular modeling and design in Rosetta: recent methods and frameworks
J. Koehler, B Weitzner, R. Bonneau
Trapping, gliding, vaulting: transport of semiflexible polymers in periodic post arrays
B. Chakrabarti, C. Gaillard, D. Saintillan
Excess dNTPs Trigger Oscillatory Surface Flow in the Early Drosophila Embryo
S. Dutta, N. Djabrayan, C. Smits, C. Rowley, S. Shvartsman
Microtubule re-organization during female meiosis in C. elegans
Ina Lantzsch, Che-Hang Yu, Hossein Yazdkhasti, Norbert Lindow, Erik Szentgyörgyi, Steffen Prohaska, Martin Srayko, S. Fürthauer, Stefanie Redmann
Better together: Elements of successful scientific software development in a distributed collaborative community
J. Koehler, B Weitzner, D. Renfrew, S Lewis, R Moretti, A Watkins, V. Mulligan, S Lyskov, J Adolf-Bryfogle, J Labonte, J Krys, Rosetta Commons Consortium, W Schief, D Gront, O Schueler-Furman, D Baker, J Gray, R Dunbrack, T Kortemme, A Leaver-Fay, C Strauss, J Meiler, B Kuhlman, J Gray , R. Bonneau
DeepArk: modeling cis-regulatory codes of model species with deep learning
E Cofer, J Raimundo, A Tadych, Y Yamazaki, A. Wong, C Theesfeld, M Levine, O. Troyanskaya
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