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About Us

The Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MPS) division, established in 2010, supports research in mathematics, theoretical physics and theoretical computer science, by providing funding for individuals, institutions, and science infrastructure.

Programs that support individuals include the , and the Travel Support for Mathematicians program.

The Targeted Grants to Institutes program enables institutions to extend their mission in creative new ways. It includes grants to the IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute, the International Mathematical Union, and the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute.

MPS also provides funding to larger institutes, including the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at the University of California, Berkeley, the NSF-Simons National Institute for Theory and Mathematics in Biology at Northwestern University, and the NSF-Simons AI Research Institutes in the Astronomical Sciences at University of Texas at Austin and Northwestern University.

The Targeted Grants in MPS program supports high-risk projects of exceptional promise and scientific importance, such as the Small-Scale Experiments for Fundamental Physics program, as well as other projects focusing on cosmology, turbulence, and astrophysics.

The Simons Collaborations in MPS are large scale, goal-driven projects that enable scientists to work together to address fundamental questions of major scientific importance.

To learn more, please visit the MPS homepage.

MPS Staff



Simons Foundation
160 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor
New York, New York 10010

Phone: 646.654.0066
Fax: 646.654.0220

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Mathematics and Physical Sciences
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