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CCQ’s mission is to develop the concepts, theories, algorithms and codes needed to solve the quantum many-body problem and use the solutions to predict the behavior of materials and molecules of scientific and technological interest.

Formal operations began in September 2017. At full strength, CCQ will comprise up to 60 scientific and support personnel, including junior and senior staff scientists, as well as sabbatical and summer visitors. The center is directed by Antoine Georges, who holds the chair in condensed matter physics at the Collège de France and is also professor of physics at École Polytechnique and at the University of Geneva. Andy Millis, professor of physics at Columbia University and associate director of physics at the Simons Foundation, is CCQ co-director.




Partial map of Manhattan (17-26th streets and Park avenue to 6th ave) Simons Foundation, Flatiron Institute and Math for America buildings are all highlighted

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New York, NY 10010

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