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Simons Award Manager (SAM) FAQ and Instructional Videos

Between the fall of 2024 and the fall of 2025, all ProposalCentral records will be migrated to our new grants management system, Simons Award Manager (SAM). Affected grantees will be contacted 90 days before their records are imported into the new system with detailed instructions. If you do not receive an email by September 1, 2024, your records will not be imported in the first phase of the migration in fall 2024. We will keep all grantees updated about specific timelines for all imported records as the process progresses.

If you are applying to the Simons Foundation for the first time, please register in SAM before selecting “Apply now.”

If you have a ProposalCentral (pC ) account, a profile was created for you in SAM using the email address associated with your pC account. Please select “Forgot Password?,” set a new password for your SAM account and then select “Apply now.”

Institution profile (for institution administrators)

Access the institution profile and manage contacts:

Approve new institution officials and contact delegates:

Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Payment Information (for Authorized Institution Officials)

Submit a New Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Payment Form:

Submit an Annual Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Payment Form Recertification:

User profile

Complete the user profile:

Add publications and other support to the user profile:

Add degrees to the user profile:

Give another user access to the user profile:

Setting up your ORCID iD:

Create and prepare an application

Create an application:

Add contacts to an application:

Add publications and other support to an application:

Complete a budget on an application:

Add a subcontract budget to an application:

Collect letters of reference on an application:

Generate collaboration and multi-site applications:

Sign and revise an application

Send an application for signature:

Sign and submit an application:

Revise an application after submission:

System support

Access instructional walk throughs and contact SAM support:

Award Letters and Deliverables

Sign an award letter:

Navigate your dashboard and deliverables:

Submit a financial statement:

Submit a non-budget deliverable:

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