563 Publications

Modeling molecular development of breast cancer in canine mammary tumors

K. Graim, D. Robinson, N. Carriero, J. Funk, O. Troyanskaya, et al.

Understanding the changes in diverse molecular pathways underlying the development of breast tumors is critical for improving diagnosis, treatment, and drug development. Here, we used RNA-profiling of canine mammary tumors (CMTs) coupled with a robust analysis framework to model molecular changes in human breast cancer. Our study leveraged a key advantage of the canine model, the frequent presence of multiple naturally occurring tumors at diagnosis, thus providing samples spanning normal tissue, benign and malignant tumors from each patient. We demonstrated human breast cancer signals, at both expression and mutation level, are evident in CMTs. Profiling multiple tumors per patient enabled by the CMT model allowed us to resolve statistically robust transcription patterns and biological pathways specific to malignant tumors versus those arising in benign tumors or shared with normal tissues. We demonstrated that multiple-histological-samples per patient is necessary to effectively capture these progression-related signatures, and that carcinoma-specific signatures are predictive of survival for human breast cancer patients. To catalyze and support similar analyses and use of the CMT model by other biomedical researchers, we provide FREYA, a robust data processing pipeline and statistical analyses framework.

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December 23, 2020

Modeling molecular development of breast cancer in canine mammary tumors

K. Graim, D. Gorenshteyn, D. Robinson, N. Carriero, J. Cahill, R. Chakrabarti, M. Goldschmidt, A. Durham, J. Funk, J. Storey , V. Kristensen, C. Theesfeld, K. Sorenmo, O. Troyanskaya

Understanding the changes in diverse molecular pathways underlying the development of breast tumors is critical for improving diagnosis, treatment, and drug development. Here, we used RNA-profiling of canine mammary tumors (CMTs) coupled with a robust analysis framework to model molecular changes in human breast cancer. Our study leveraged a key advantage of the canine model, the frequent presence of multiple naturally occurring tumors at diagnosis, thus providing samples spanning normal tissue and benign and malignant tumors from each patient. We showed human breast cancer signals, at both expression and mutation level, are evident in CMTs. Profiling multiple tumors per patient enabled by the CMT model allowed us to resolve statistically robust transcription patterns and biological pathways specific to malignant tumors versus those arising in benign tumors or shared with normal tissues. We showed that multiple histological samples per patient is necessary to effectively capture these progression-related signatures, and that carcinoma-specific signatures are predictive of survival for human breast cancer patients. To catalyze and support similar analyses and use of the CMT model by other biomedical researchers, we provide FREYA, a robust data processing pipeline and statistical analyses framework.

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A Compact Eulerian Representation of Axisymmetric Inviscid Vortex Sheet Dynamics

A Pesci, R Goldstein, M. Shelley

A classical problem in fluid mechanics is the motion of an axisymmetric vor-tex sheet evolving under the action of surface tension, surrounded by an invis-cid fluid. Lagrangian descriptions of these dynamics are well-known, involv-ing complex nonlocal expressions for the radial and longitudinal velocities interms of elliptic integrals. Here we use these prior results to arrive at a remark-ably compact and exact Eulerian evolution equation for the sheet radius r.´; t/in an explicit flux form associated with the conservation of enclosed volume.The flux appears as an integral involving the pairwise mutual induction formulafor vortex loop pairs first derived by Helmholtz and Maxwell. We show howthe well-known linear stability results for cylindrical vortex sheets in the pres-ence of surface tension and streaming flows [A. M. Sterling and C. A. Sleicher,J. Fluid Mech. 68, 477 (1975)] can be obtained directly from this formulation.Furthermore, the inviscid limit of the empirical model of Eggers and Dupont[J. Fluid Mech. 262 205 (1994); SIAM J. Appl. Math. 60, 1997 (2000)], whichhas served as the basis for understanding singularity formation in droplet pin-choff, is derived within the present formalism as the leading-order term in anasymptotic analysis for long slender axisymmetric vortex sheets and should pro-vide the starting point for a rigorous analysis of singularity formation.

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A New Era for Space Life Science: International Standards for Space Omics Processing

L. Rutter, R. Barker, D. Bezdan, H. Cope, S. Costes, L. Degoricija, K. Fisch, M. Gabitto, S. Gebre, S. Giacomello, S. Gilroy, S. Green, C. Mason, S. Reinsch, N. Szewczyk, D. Taylor, J. Galazka, R. Herranz, M. Muratani

With the rise of commercial spaceflight and prospective human missions to Mars, a wider health range of humans will enter space for longer spans and at higher exposure to environmental stressors than ever before. Numerous adverse health effects have been observed in space, including bone demineralization and skeletal muscle atrophy, among others. Scientists across the world are conducting space omics studies to develop countermeasures for safe and effective crewed space missions. However, optimal extraction of scientific insight from such data is contingent on improved standardization. In response, we founded ISSOP (International Standards for Space Omics Processing), an international consortium of scientists who aim to enhance guidelines between space biologists globally. This paper informs scientists and data scientists from many fields about the challenges and future avenues of space omics and can serve as an introductory reference for new members in the space biology discipline.

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December 16, 2020

Translating genetic risk variants in disease‐associated enhancers into novel mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease

C. Preuss, X. Chen, K. Chen, C. Theesfeld, E. Cofer, A. Uyar, G. Cary, R. Pandey, D. Garceau, K. Kotredes, B. Logsdon, L. Mangravite, G. Howell, M. Sasner, O. Troyanskaya, G. Carter

The enrichment of late‐onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) GWAS variants in noncoding regions of the genome reveals new potential for modeling disease risk. Yet, identifying noncoding causal variants and the cell types in which they are functional remains challenging. Translating noncoding variants into novel mouse models can elucidate phenotypic effects of those variants through specific perturbations of gene enhancers associated with LOAD risk.

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Co-movement of astral microtubules, organelles and F-actin by dynein and actomyosin forces in frog egg cytoplasm

J. Pelletier, C. Field, S. Fürthauer, M. Sonnett, T. Mitchison

How bulk cytoplasm generates forces to separate post-anaphase microtubule (MT) asters in Xenopus laevis and other large eggs remains unclear. Previous models proposed that dynein-based, inward organelle transport generates length-dependent pulling forces that move centrosomes and MTs outwards, while other components of cytoplasm are static. We imaged aster movement by dynein and actomyosin forces in Xenopus egg extracts and observed outward co-movement of MTs, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), mitochondria, acidic organelles, F-actin, keratin, and soluble fluorescein. Organelles exhibited a burst of dynein-dependent inward movement at the growing aster periphery, then mostly halted inside the aster, while dynein-coated beads moved to the aster center at a constant rate, suggesting organelle movement is limited by brake proteins or other sources of drag. These observations call for new models in which all components of the cytoplasm comprise a mechanically integrated aster gel that moves collectively in response to dynein and actomyosin forces.

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December 7, 2020

CHD8 haploinsufficiency alters the developmental trajectories of human excitatory and inhibitory neurons linking autism phenotypes with transient cellular defects

C. Villa, C. Cheroni, A. López-Tóbon, C. Dotter, B. Oliveira, R. Sacco, A. Yahya, J. Morandell, M. Gabriele, C. Sommer, M. Gabitto, G. Testa, G. Novarino

Chromodomain helicase DNA-binding 8 (CHD8) is one of the most frequently mutated genes causative of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While its phenotypic spectrum often encompasses macrocephaly and hence implicates cortical abnormalities in this form of ASD, the neurodevelopmental impact of human CHD8 haploinsufficiency remains unexplored. Here we combined human cerebral organoids and single cell transcriptomics to define the effect of ASD-linked CHD8 mutations on human cortical development. We found that CHD8 haploinsufficiency causes a major disruption of neurodevelopmental trajectories with an accelerated generation of inhibitory neurons and a delayed production of excitatory neurons alongside the ensuing protraction of the proliferation phase. This imbalance leads to a significant enlargement of cerebral organoids aligned to the macrocephaly observed in patients with CHD8 mutations. By adopting an isogenic design of patient-specific mutations and mosaic cerebral organoids, we define genotype-phenotype relationships and uncover their cell-autonomous nature. Finally, our results assign different CHD8-dependent molecular defects to particular cell types, pointing to an abnormal and extended program of proliferation and alternative splicing specifically affected in, respectively, the radial glial and immature neuronal compartments. By identifying temporally restricted cell-type specific effects of human CHD8 mutations, our study uncovers developmental alterations as reproducible endophenotypes for neurodevelopmental disease modelling.

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November 26, 2020

Deep metagenomics examines the oral microbiome during dental caries, revealing novel taxa and co-occurrences with host molecules

J. Baker, J. Morton, M. Dinis, R. Alvarez, N. Tran, R. Knight, A. Edlund

Dental caries, the most common chronic infectious disease worldwide, has a complex etiology involving the interplay of microbial and host factors that are not completely understood. In this study, the oral microbiome and 38 host cytokines and chemokines were analyzed across 23 children with caries and 24 children with healthy dentition. De novo assembly of metagenomic sequencing obtained 527 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), representing 150 bacterial species. Forty-two of these species had no genomes in public repositories, thereby representing novel taxa. These new genomes greatly expanded the known pangenomes of many oral clades, including the enigmatic Saccharibacteria clades G3 and G6, which had distinct functional repertoires compared to other oral Saccharibacteria. Saccharibacteria are understood to be obligate epibionts, which are dependent on host bacteria. These data suggest that the various Saccharibacteria clades may rely on their hosts for highly distinct metabolic requirements, which would have significant evolutionary and ecological implications. Across the study group, Rothia, Neisseria, and Haemophilus spp. were associated with good dental health, whereas Prevotella spp., Streptococcus mutans, and Human herpesvirus 4 (Epstein-Barr virus [EBV]) were more prevalent in children with caries. Finally, 10 of the host immunological markers were significantly elevated in the caries group, and co-occurrence analysis provided an atlas of potential relationships between microbes and host immunological molecules. Overall, this study illustrated the oral microbiome at an unprecedented resolution and contributed several leads for further study that will increase the understanding of caries pathogenesis and guide therapeutic development.

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Comparison of explicit and mean-field models of cytoskeletal filaments with crosslinking motors

A. Lamson, J Moore, F Fang, M Glaser, M. Shelley, Meredith Betterton

In cells, cytoskeletal filament networks are responsible for cell movement, growth, and division. Filaments in the cytoskeleton are driven and organized by crosslinking molecular motors. In reconstituted cytoskeletal systems, motor activity is responsible for far-fromequilibrium phenomena such as active stress, self-organized flow, and spontaneous nematic defect generation. How microscopic interactions between motors and filaments lead to larger-scale dynamics remains incompletely understood. To build from motor-filament interactions to predict bulk behavior of cytoskeletal systems, more computationally efficient techniques for modeling motor-filament interactions are needed. Here we derive a coarsegraining hierarchy of explicit and continuum models for crosslinking motors that bind to and walk on filament pairs. We compare the steady-state motor distribution and motorinduced filament motion for the different models and analyze their computational cost. All three models agree well in the limit of fast motor binding kinetics. Evolving a truncated moment expansion of motor density speeds the computation by 103–106
compared to the explicit or continuous-density simulations, suggesting an approach for more efficient simulation of large networks. These tools facilitate further study of motor-filament networks on micrometer to millimeter length scales.

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November 16, 2020

SARS-CoV-2 Transmission among Marine Recruits during Quarantine

A Letizia, I Ramos, A Obla, C Goforth, D Weir, Y Ge, M Bamman, J Dutta, E Ellis, L Estella , M George, A Gonzalez-Reiche, W Graham, A van de Guchte, R Gutierrez, F Jones, A Kalomoiri, R Lizewski, S Lizekwski, J Marayag, N Marjanovic, E Millar, V Nair, G Nudelman, E Nunez, B Pike, C Porter, J Regeimbal, S Rirak, E Santa Ana, R. Sealfon, R Sebra, M Simons, A Soares-Schanoski, V Sugiharto, M Termini, S Vangeti, C Williams, O. Troyanskaya, H van Bakel, S Sealfon

The efficacy of public health measures to control the transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has not been well studied in young adults.

We investigated SARS-CoV-2 infections among U.S. Marine Corps recruits who underwent a 2-week quarantine at home followed by a second supervised 2-week quarantine at a closed college campus that involved mask wearing, social distancing, and daily temperature and symptom monitoring. Study volunteers were tested for SARS-CoV-2 by means of quantitative polymerase-chain-reaction (qPCR) assay of nares swab specimens obtained between the time of arrival and the second day of supervised quarantine and on days 7 and 14. Recruits who did not volunteer for the study underwent qPCR testing only on day 14, at the end of the quarantine period. We performed phylogenetic analysis of viral genomes obtained from infected study volunteers to identify clusters and to assess the epidemiologic features of infections.

A total of 1848 recruits volunteered to participate in the study; within 2 days after arrival on campus, 16 (0.9%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, 15 of whom were asymptomatic. An additional 35 participants (1.9%) tested positive on day 7 or on day 14. Five of the 51 participants (9.8%) who tested positive at any time had symptoms in the week before a positive qPCR test. Of the recruits who declined to participate in the study, 26 (1.7%) of the 1554 recruits with available qPCR results tested positive on day 14. No SARS-CoV-2 infections were identified through clinical qPCR testing performed as a result of daily symptom monitoring. Analysis of 36 SARS-CoV-2 genomes obtained from 32 participants revealed six transmission clusters among 18 participants. Epidemiologic analysis supported multiple local transmission events, including transmission between roommates and among recruits within the same platoon.

Among Marine Corps recruits, approximately 2% who had previously had negative results for SARS-CoV-2 at the beginning of supervised quarantine, and less than 2% of recruits with unknown previous status, tested positive by day 14. Most recruits who tested positive were asymptomatic, and no infections were detected through daily symptom monitoring. Transmission clusters occurred within platoons. (Funded by the Defense Health Agency and others.)

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