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Xiao-Jing Wang, Ph.D.

New York UniversityXiao-Jing Wang’s website
Portrait photo of Xiao Jing Wang

Xiao-Jing Wang is Global Professor of neural science and co-director of the Sloan-Swartz Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, both at New York University. He also serves as associate vice chancellor for research and co-director of NYU-ECNU Institute of Brain and Cognitive Science at New York University Shanghai. Wang’s research aims at understanding the neurobiological mechanisms and computational principles of executive and cognitive functions. His group has pioneered recurrent circuit models of the prefrontal cortex, which is often called the “CEO of the brain.” In particular, Wang is known for his work on the neural basis of working memory and decision making. His lab is now embarking on a new initiative of developing large-scale brain circuit models of flexible behavior.

Wang received his B.S. and Ph.D. in physics from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. Before joining New York University in the fall of 2012, he was professor of neurobiology at Yale University.

Current Projects: Multi-regional neuronal dynamics of memory-guided flexible behavior

Theory of distributed persistent activity in large-scale brain circuits

Past Project: Large-scale cortical and thalamic networks that guide oculomotor decisions

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