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Nick Steinmetz, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Nick Steinmetz

Nick Steinmetz is an Assistant Professor at the University of Washington. He received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Stanford University in 2014, supervised by Tirin Moore and Kwabena Boahen, and then pursued post-doctoral work with Kenneth Harris and Matteo Carandini at University College London. There he played a role in the development of Neuropixels technology, and since 2017 he is Program Manager for the Neuropixels Consortium. In 2019, Dr. Steinmetz began his lab at UW in the Department of Biological Structure, and joined the International Brain Laboratory later that year. Dr. Steinmetz is a Next Generation Leader at the Allen Institute. His research focuses on the distributed computations across brain systems that underlie vision and action. His lab approaches these topics with a combination of large-scale electrophysiology with Neuropixels probes, calcium imaging across neocortical areas, and systematic optogenetic manipulations, all in combination with sophisticated behavioral tasks for mice. In parallel, his lab also develops new tools to improve the quality and scale of neural measurements.

Current Project: International brain lab

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