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Gideon Schechtman, Ph.D.

Weizmann Institute of ScienceGideon Schechtman’s website
Portrait photo of Gideon Schechtman

Gideon Schechtman is a professor of mathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1977 and was a postdoctoral fellow at Ohio State University. He joined the Weizmann Institute in 1980. Over the years he has held visiting positions at Texas A&M University, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Microsoft Research Redmond, New York University and Princeton University.

His main research area is functional analysis, with an emphasis on the geometry of Banach spaces. His main contributions have been to the geometry of Lebesgue spaces, local theory of normed spaces and nonlinear theory of Banach spaces. He has also contributed to research on the interface of normed spaces and the geometry of metric spaces and to topics in probability.

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