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Elad Schneidman, Ph.D.

Weizmann Institute of ScienceElad Schneidman’s website
Portrait photo of Elad Schneidman

Elad Schneidman is the Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Weizmann Institute of Science. He obtained his undergraduate degree in physics and computer science, and a Ph.D. in computational neuroscience, both at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was a Rothschild foundation postdoctoral fellow in the departments of physics and molecular biology at Princeton University, and later joined the Weizmann Institute as an assistant professor of Neurobiology. Schneidman has been a Hurvitz complexity science foundation fellow, a recipient Peter and Patricia Gruber Award, and a visiting professor at NYU. Schneidman’s research focuses on questions at the intersection of neuroscience, biological networks, machine learning, and collective behavior. Using tools from statistical physics, machine learning, and information theory, he studies the nature of information representation and processing by large populations of neurons, collective behavior in groups of animals and of artificial agents, the design principles of biological networks, and statistical learning in primates and humans.

Current Project: Neural computations for visual form processing and form-based cognition

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