Xiaodong Cao, Ph.D.

Flatiron Research Fellow, CCQ (2021-2023), Flatiron Institute
A portrait photo of Xiaodong Cao.

Xiaodong Cao joined the Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ) in August of 2020 as a postdoctoral research fellow. Before that, he was a Ph.D. student at the Max Planck Institute for Solid States Research in Germany. During his Ph.D., by using DMFT and its TRILEX extension, he studied the impacts of non-local interactions on the emergence of unconventional superconductivity. He also worked on the development of generic impurity solvers for DMFT. By rotating to the natural-orbital basis, a particle number projection framework on both the frequency- and time-domain was proposed. Furthermore, to counter the intrinsic difficulties of the MPS representation of the many-body wave function of a multi-band system, the Tree Tensor Product States was proposed to capture the correct entanglement structures. Currently, he is working on the Fork Tensor Product States impurity solver in the TRIQS library initialized by Daniel Bauernfeind in CCQ. Also, he is interested in developing efficient representations (TNS or beyond) of quantum many-body states.

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