Timofei Sukhodolov, Ph.D.

Physical Meteorological Observatory Davos

Timofei Sukhodolov is a head of the climate group at the Physical-Meteorological Observatory Davos / World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC), Davos, Switzerland. He specializes in the fields of chemistry-climate modeling and the effects of various natural and anthropogenic forcings on the middle atmosphere and the ozone layer and their feedbacks with climate. He is the principal investigator of the SOCOLv4 atmosphere-ocean-aerosol-chemistry-climate model, which will be the main modeling tool of the project. Sukhodolov received his Ph.D. in environmental sciences in 2016 from ETH Zürich, and his thesis has been awarded the ETH Silver Medal. Sukhodolov is deeply integrated in international modeling communities focusing on stratospheric aerosol and ozone layers and is a member of the International Commission on the Middle Atmosphere.

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