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Sebastian Seung, Ph.D.

Princeton University
Sebastian Seung headshot

Sebastian Seung is the Anthony B. Evnin professor at the Neuroscience Institute and in the computer science department at Princeton University. Seung has done influential research in both computer science and neuroscience. Over the past 15 years, he helped pioneer the new field of connectomics, applying deep learning and crowdsourcing to reconstruct neural circuits from electron-microscopic images. His lab created Eyewire, a website that has recruited over 300,000 players from 150 countries to play a game to map neural connections. His book Connectome: How the Brain’s Wiring Makes Us Who We Are was chosen by the Wall Street Journal for its Top 10 nonfiction list in 2012. Before joining the Princeton faculty, Seung studied at Harvard University, worked at Bell Laboratories and taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is an external member of the Max Planck Society and winner of the 2008 Ho-Am Prize in engineering.

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