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Roxann Stennett-Brown, Ph.D.

University of the West Indies, Mona

Roxann Stennett-Brown graduated from the University of the West Indies (UWI) at Mona in 2020 with a Ph.D. in physics. She is a lecturer in physics, cryogenic engineering and thermodynamics in the Faculty of Engineering at UWI and serves as its deputy dean of teaching learning and student matters. Stennett-Brown is a member of the Climate Studies Group at UWI and her current research interests include radiation management, heatwave analysis, statistical downscaling and climate extremes for the Caribbean. Some published work during her graduate years included “Future Caribbean temperature and rainfall extremes from statistical downscaling” and “Caribbean climate change vulnerability: Lessons from an aggregate index approach,” which won the 2020 Principal’s Research Award for best research publication from the Faculty of Engineering.

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