Olivier Parcollet joined the Flatiron Institute in 2018. He obtained his Ph.D. from École Normale Supérieure in Paris in 1998. His research focuses on the physics of quantum materials where strong electron-electron interactions lead to remarkable physical properties, as seen for example in the high-temperature cuprate superconductors. He specializes in the development of new approaches to the quantum many-body problem, combining traditional diagrammatic techniques, ideas from dynamical mean-field theory and innovative numerical algorithms. He is the leader of the open-source TRIQS project, which provides a library for the quick and efficient design of new algorithms as well as a set of applications for the study of strongly-correlated systems. He received the Déchelle Prize from the French Academy of Sciences in 2009 for his work on cluster dynamical mean-field theory, and was awarded a ERC Starting Grant in 2011 from the European Research Council.