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Michel Ferrero, Ph.D.

École PolytechniqueMichel Ferrero’s website
Portrait photo of Michel Ferrero

Michel Ferrero is a CNRS researcher based at École Polytechnique, Paris. He obtained his Ph.D. from the International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste in 2006. His research is mainly concerned with the study of quantum systems that exhibit strong electronic correlations. While his earlier work was related to frustrated magnetic systems and the characterization of spin-liquid phases, he then got interested in the physics of high-temperature cuprate superconductors, heavy fermions and cold atomic systems that he studied within the framework of the dynamical mean-field theory. His recent work includes the development of new approaches to the many-body problem combining diagrammatic techniques and state-of-the art numerical algorithms. He is one of the authors of the open-source TRIQS project providing an environment for the quick and efficient design of new algorithms as well as a set of applications for the study of strongly correlated systems.

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