Marylou Gabrié, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, École Polytechnique
Flatiron Research Fellow, CCM (2020-2022), Flatiron Institute
Portrait photo of Marylou Gabrie

After obtaining her doctorate in physics from École Normale Supérieure in 2019, Marylou Gabrié moved to New York City for a joint postdoctoral appointment with the Center for Data Science at New York University and the Flatiron’s Center for Computational Mathematics (CCM). Her research lies at the boundary of machine learning and statistical physics. Using the physics of disordered systems, Marylou tries to understand the so-called “unreasonable” effectiveness of artificial neural networks, which can be seen as an application of statistical mechanics ideas to learning theory. Her research agenda also includes applications of machine learning methods to statistical physics computing problems.

Marylou received the L’Oréal Fellowship for Women in Science in 2018. In 2022, she began a new role as an assistant professor at École Polytechnique in Paris.

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