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Indira Goris

Senior Manager, Center Administration, CCB, Flatiron Institute
Portrait photo of Indira Goris

Indira Goris joined the Flatiron Institute in 2020 and is the senior manager for Center Administration for the Center for Computational Biology. Prior to joining the foundation, Indira served for eight years as the Director for Administration for the Open Society Justice Initiative, an internationally-renowned international human rights advocacy program, overseeing the program’s complex global operations. Prior to assuming that role, she was also a Justice Initiative Program Officer, focusing on global equality and citizenship issues. Indira has also worked with the United Nations Development Program’s Bureau of Development Policy, as well as both the criminal and civil divisions of the New York Legal Aid Society. Indira received her MA in International Affairs from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, and her BA in Political Science from Brown University.

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