Grace Lindsay, Ph.D.

University College London
A portrait photo of Grace Lindsay.

Grace Lindsay is a joint Sainsbury Wellcome Centre/Gatsby Research Fellow at University College London working in the labs of Maneesh Sahani and Tom Mrsic-Flogel/Sonja Hofer. She got her Ph.D. from Columbia University in the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience. Working in the lab of Ken Miller, she built models of the neural and behavioral correlates of attention. Prior to that she spent a year as a research fellow at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience in Freiburg, Germany. Before that she got a B.S. in neuroscience from the University of Pittsburgh. She is currently working on building models of recurrent visual processing.

Principal Investigator: Maneesh Sahani

Fellow: Andrada-Maria Marica

Convolutional neural networks are models used to understand visual processing in the brain. Much of their success has been in predicting neural activity and behavior in primates. Yet, in their current form they have struggled to capture processing in the mouse visual system. We aim to build an artificial neural network model that can capture the different processing streams in the mouse visual system. This will involve first defining the different tasks that different secondary visual areas in the mouse visual system perform and identifying image datasets that represent these tasks. We will then train a model with an architecture inspired by the multiple secondary areas of the mouse visual system on these different tasks and compare the learned activity to neural data. Finally, we hope to analyze the trained network to gain some understanding of how it works.

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