Francois Lanusse, Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist, Foundation Models for Science, CCA, Flatiron Institute
Francois Lanusse is an Associate Research Scientist at the Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA) with a permanent Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) researcher position in observational cosmology and machine learning at the Astrophysics Department of CEA Paris-Saclay (France). He is broadly interested in developing scientific applications of state of the art Deep Learning techniques, by combining concepts of Bayesian inference, deep neural networks, and physical forward modeling. He received his PhD in cosmology and inverse problems in 2015 in Paris, and further developed an interdisciplinary expertise in Deep Learning for cosmology as a postdoctoral researcher at Carnegie Mellon University (2015-2018) and UC Berkeley (2018-2019) through multiple collaborations with their respective Machine Learning and Statistics Departments.