Felipe Oliveira

Georgia Institute of Technology
Felipe Oliveira headshot

Felipe Oliveira is a third-year student pursuing his bachelor’s degree in neuroscience at the Georgia Institute of Technology. In hopes of working in computational neuroscience and neuromorphic computing, he also pursues a minor in computer science (intelligence) to better model biological neural networks using deep learning and brain-machine interfaces to engineer solutions for patients of neurodegenerative diseases. He has worked under Thackery Brown at the MAP (Memory, Affect, and Planning) Lab, leading the task development and computational data collection of an experiment measuring the correlations between grid cells and spatial/navigational memory. He hopes to further grow his laboratory experience as a SURFiN fellow in the Sober Lab at Emory University, where computational methods are utilized to map avian vocal pathways and predict their singing patterns. Besides his interests in the brain, he also has a passion for languages and cultural studies and is pursuing an additional minor in Spanish. He wants to focus on creating accessible and effective solutions in medicine for those in need, especially in predominantly underrepresented and underfunded communities.

Mentor: Kofi Vordzorgbi (Sober Lab)

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