Fedor Popov, Ph.D.

New York University
Portrait of Fedor Popov

Fedor Popov is an incoming postdoctoral researcher at New York University, where he will be working with Professor Sergei Dubovsky. He received his B.S. and M.A. from the Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology under the supervision of Professor Emil T. Akhmedov. Together, they studied the problems of stability of de Sitter space and black holes under quantum fluctuations.

Popov got his Ph.D. at Princeton University under supervision of Professor Igor R. Klebanov. His research interests encompass a variety of cutting-edge problems in theoretical physics. During his Ph.D., he has mostly been studying properties of large-N models and tensor models. They managed to show that some tensor models exhibit unusual cyclic RG flows and the fermionic tensor models could be related to the quantum many-body scar states. Also with professor Alexander M. Polyakov, he investigates the problems of analytical continuation of quantum field theories from higher dimensional spheres to de Sitter space. He will continue to explore these topics during his postdoctoral research, while also investigating the properties of two-dimensional QCD with adjoint fermions.

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