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Bob Carpenter, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist, CCM, Flatiron Institute
Portrait photo of Bob Carpenter

Bob Carpenter joined the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Mathematics in March 2020. He previously was a research scientist at Columbia University, Alias-I (LingPipe), SpeechWorks, and Lucent Bell Labs. Carpenter was also previously a professor of computational linguistics at Carnegie Mellon University. Carpenter is known for developing Stan, a probabilistic programming language and is one of the Stan core developers. In addition to numerous publications, Carpenter has written two books on computational linguistics. Carpenter has also received grants from the NSF, ONR, Sloan, IES, and NIH for his various programming. Carpenter has a B.A. in Math and Computer Science from Michigan State University and a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science and Computer Science from the University of Edinburgh.

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