Arina Pecherskaya

University of California, San Diego
Arina Pecherskaya headshot

Arina Pecherskaya is a third-year undergraduate student with a passion for neuroscience at the University of California San Diego (UCSD). Currently pursuing a B.S. in cognitive science with specialization in machine learning and neural computation, she is deeply intrigued by the intricate workings of the brain.

Arina began her scientific career in high school, working on an independent research project studying emotions using EEG, following her team to win the National Technological Initiative Competition in Cognitive Science and Neurotechnology. In her second year of college, she continued her scientific research in EcOG project studying auditory processing in humans in the Halgren Lab at UCSD School of Medicine.

Beyond academics, Anna finds joy in writing poetry and doing motocross. She also dedicated her time to making workshops for Undergraduate Bioinformatics Club and organizing Muir Outspoken creative writing club meetings.

Mentor: Chung-Yueh (Jeremy) Lin (Komiyama Lab)

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