Adrian Price-Whelan, Ph.D.
Associate Research Scientist, Nearby Universe and Milky Way, CCA, Flatiron InstituteAdrian Price-Whelan’s website Email Adrian Price-Whelan
Adrian Price-Whelan joined the foundation in 2019 as a member of the Nearby Universe and Milky Way group at the Center for Computational Astrophysics. Price-Whelan previously received his Ph.D. in Astronomy from Columbia University in 2016 and then spent three years at the Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University as a Lyman J. Spitzer, Jr. postdoctoral fellow before joining the foundation. Price-Whelan is enthusiastic about computational data analysis, most often as applied to the analysis and interpretation of kinematic and chemical data for large numbers of stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. He is primarily interested in studying the structure and distribution of dark matter in galaxies such as our own, but has worked on a range of topics from exoplanets, to stellar multiplicity, to stellar clusters and star formation, to the structure of galaxies. At the foundation, Price-Whelan will be continuing to work on the analysis of data from the Gaia mission and spectroscopic surveys of Milky Way stars, such as the forthcoming SDSS-V surveys.