Adam Kohn, Ph.D.

Albert Einstein College of MedicineAdam Kohn’s website
Portrait photo of Adam Kohn

Adam Kohn received a B.A. in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1993. He performed his graduate studies with Barry Whitsel at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, receiving a Ph.D. in neurobiology in 2000. He received postdoctoral training in visual neuroscience at New York University with J. Anthony Movshon. In 2006, Dr. Kohn moved to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and is currently an associate professor in the Departments of Neuroscience, Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, and Computational & Systems Biology. Dr. Kohn’s research focuses on issues of population coding, plasticity and corticocortical communication in the visual cortex. His lab uses neurophysiological, computational and perceptual methods to address these issues. Dr. Kohn received the Irma T. Hirschl Career Scientist Award in 2013.

Current Project: 

Communication between neural populations: circuits, going and behavior

Past Project

Corticocortical signaling between populations of neurons

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