Yuri Levin, CCA's leader of the Compact Objects group, writes with two others to explain how the search came together and the meaning of the chirp heard around the world.
What We're Reading
How Gravitational Waves Attracted a Nobel Prize, UPI
Commentary: Expand the Nobel Prize to Award Teams, Not Just Individuals, Scientific American
Each Nobel award is limited to three individuals. But now that teams drive high-impact science, the Nobel Foundation should change how it awards its prize.
Insights on Quantum Materials, Nature
This collection of resources explores the physics of quantum materials, their discovery and development, the control over their properties and possible applications.
A Funder Takes on Gender Disparities in Key Fields of Basic Science, Inside Philanthropy
Although figures are improving, physics and astronomy still suffer some of the worst gender imbalances among STEM fields in the United States. The Women in Physics & Astronomy initiative of the Heising-Simons Foundation aims to change that.
Wikipedia Shapes Language in Science Papers, Nature
Experiment traces how online encyclopedia influences research write-ups.