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Families of Automorphic Forms and the Trace Formula (2014)


January 26 – February 1, 2014

Werner Mueller, University of Bonn
Sug Woo Shin, Massachussets Institute of Technology
Nicolas Templier, Princeton University

The Simons Symposium on Families of Automorphic Forms and the Trace Formula provided an opportunity for researchers to study families of automorphic representations of higher rank groups. During the symposium participants investigated the trace formula, plancherel equidistribution and other recent techniques from harmonic analysis and representation theory with the goal to set an agenda for the field.


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Symposium Agenda

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Families of Automorphic Forms & the Trace Formula
January 26 – February 1, 2014

Notes and Handouts

Notes on Talks at the Simons Symposium on Families of Automorphic Forms and the Trace Formula
Notes on the talks of the speakers, as recorded by Steven J. Miller.

Motivic Functions, Integrability, and Uniform in p Bounds for Orbital Integrals
Raf Cluckers, Université Lille 1
Julia Gordon, University of British Columbia
Immanuel Halupczok, University of Leeds

Slopes of Modular Forms
Toby Gee, Imperial College London

Problems on Growth of Hecke Fields
Haruzo Hida, UCLA

Problems in the Theory of Low-Lying Zeros
Steven J. Miller, Williams College

Problems for Thursday, 3:50 pm, Jan. 30, 2014 Discussion Session
Sug Woo Shin, Massachussets Institute of Technology

Lecture Slides

Growth of Hecke Fields Over a Slope 0 Family
Haruzo Hida, UCLA

The Trace Formula and Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces
Werner Hoffmann, Bielefeld University

Rigid Inner Forms and Endoscopy
Tasho Kaletha, Princeton University

Results in the Theory of Low-Lying Zeros
Steven J. Miller, Williams College

Closed-Form Moments in Elliptic Curve Families and Low-Lying Zeros
Steven J. Miller, Williams College

Symmetry Breaking and the Gross Prasad Conjectures for Orthogonal Groups
Birgit Speh, Cornell University



Frank Calegari, Northwestern University
Raf Cluckers, Université Lille 1
Toby Gee, Imperial College London
Julia Gordon, University of British Columbia
Haruzo Hida, UCLA
Werner Hoffmann, Universitat Bielefeld
Roman Holowinsky, Ohio State University
Tasho Kaletha, Princeton University
Ju-Lee Kim, Massachussets institute of Technology
Simon Marshall, Northwestern University
Steven J. Miller, Williams College
Werner Mueller, University of Bonn
David Nadler, UC Berkeley
Sug Woo Shin, Massachussets Institute of Technology
Kannan Soundararajan, Stanford University
Birgit Speh, Cornell University
Nicolas Templier, Princeton University
Eric Urban, Columbia University

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