Travel Support for Mathematicians
- Application Deadline
Noon EST, - Notification by
- Gift Start Date
- Program or Administrative Questions - Technical Questions - Office Hours
Monday–Friday 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Eastern Time - Office Closures
The Simons Foundation offices will be closed November 27-December 1, 2024, and December 24, 2024-January 1, 2025.
The Simons Foundation’s Mathematics and Physical Sciences division invites applications for its Travel Support for Mathematicians program, which is intended to stimulate collaboration in the field primarily through the funding of travel and related expenditures.
Please note that in the event of budgetary or other considerations The Simons Foundation, Inc. reserves the right to refer an application to The Simons Foundation International, Ltd. (SFI) for consideration and funding, in which case SFI’s grant policies would apply.
The goal of the program is to substantially increase collaborative contacts between accomplished, active mathematicians in the United States.
Basis for Travel Support
Funding will be based on the quality and significance of the applicant’s previous research and the likely impact the travel support will have on future research, both for the applicant and the applicant’s graduate students and/or postdoctoral fellows. Other criteria include publication in high-quality journals, the applicant’s current and recent Ph.D. students, as well as the applicant’s travel goals and general research activity.
Level and Duration of Funding
Up to $8,400 in the form of a gift will be provided per year for up to five years, as follows:
$6,000 per year for travel and research expenses, at the sole discretion of the PI, such as:
- Scientific travel by the PI, the PI’s graduate and Ph.D. students and other members of the PI’s department;
- The expense of scientific visits, such as meals and travel to the PI’s home institution by the PI’s collaborators and other scientific visitors of interest to the PI;
- Up to $1,500 per year may be used for other research expenses, such as computers, computer support, publication expenses, stationery, supplies, books and membership fees to professional organizations.
$1,000 per year, allocated towards discretionary funds, at the sole discretion of the PI’s department chair, to enhance its research atmosphere. Funds may be used for such expenses as:
- Support for departmental colloquia and seminars, as well as refreshments and other research-related amenities;
- Support for student orientations, prospective student visits and other departmental activities;
- Subsidizing meals for faculty, students and visitors;
- Furniture and research infrastructure, such as copiers, computer servers and computer support.
No funds may be used for salary or teaching buyouts. An additional gift assessment fee at the institution’s rate, up to 20 percent, may be taken on the gift. The five-year gift will commence September 1, 2025.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to apply, an individual must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Have a Ph.D. degree and hold a tenure-track or tenured position with a full-time appointment in a mathematics department with a Ph.D.-degree-granting program at an institution in the United States (those with an appointment solely in a statistics department are not eligible);
- Have a current record of active research and publication in high-quality journals; and
- Not currently hold any other external PI or co-PI grants with an end date after the start date of the gift, including another Travel Support for Mathematicians gift, but excluding Simons Fellowship in Math, conference grants (where support only covers travel expenses for the conference participants and does not provide any support for the applicant’s own research), as well as grants specifically to support students and/or postdoctoral fellows and their related activities and AMS-Simons grants. Co-Investigator roles do not apply.
There are no citizenship requirements. The other support requirement applies only at the application stage.
Unspent Funds
Unspent funds at the end of the five-year period should be used in line with the original goals of the gift for scientific travel and research expenses by the PI and department discretionary funds, or in the case of a PI institution transfer or retirement should be used in line with the original goals of the gift for scientific travel and research expenses by other faculty members, graduate students or Ph.D. students of the department as well as towards department discretionary funds.
Number of Gifts
The Mathematics and Physical Sciences division will select for funding up to 140 applications per year.
How to Apply
Applicants must apply via the Simons Award Manager (SAM), The deadline to apply is January 29, 2025, at 12 p.m. (noon) EST.
Please refer to the How to Apply tab for instructions.
Our Commitment to Expanding Pathways to Science and Opportunities for All
Many of the greatest ideas and discoveries come from a diverse mix of minds, backgrounds and experiences. The Simons Foundation is committed to advancing basic science and mathematics to benefit humankind and expand our collective understanding of our world. As part of our mission, we support partners, programs and initiatives that seek to broaden the scientific community and open pathways to science and mathematics careers.
The Simons Foundation provides equal opportunities to all applicants for funding without regard to race, religion, color, age, sex, pregnancy, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic disposition, neurodiversity, disability, veteran status or any other protected category under federal, state and local law.
- Application Deadline
Noon EST, - Notification by
- Gift Start Date
- Program or Administrative Questions - Technical Questions - Office Hours
Monday–Friday 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Eastern Time - Office Closures
The Simons Foundation offices will be closed November 27-December 1, 2024, and December 24, 2024-January 1, 2025.
The deadline to submit applications is January 29, 2025, at 12 p.m. (noon) EST. Applications should be started and submitted under the applicant’s own account in the Simons Award Manager (SAM), Once logged in, select the Funding Opportunities icon. For the Mathematics and Physical Sciences — Travel Support for Mathematicians application, click on Create Application, then Begin Application.
The Travel Support application must be submitted via the gift-receiving entity of your institution. This should be discussed this with your institutional officials before submission. For any assistance with affiliating your SAM account with the gift-receiving entity of your institution, contact Informational videos on submitting applications in SAM can be found here. Proposal attachments should be single-spaced and in typeface no smaller than 10-point font. Margins must be at least one-half inch in all directions.
Please note that in the event of budgetary or other considerations The Simons Foundation, Inc. reserves the right to refer an application to The Simons Foundation International, Ltd. (SFI) for consideration and funding, in which case SFI’s grant policies would apply.
Please complete the application as follows:
- Proposal Tab:
- a. Applicant Details & Personal Data: Enter required fields (title, department and academic rank, ORCID iD and demographic data). The applicant may use the Edit Profile button to update their information as needed.
- Academic Degrees:
- Enter degrees (optional).
- Indicate whether the mathematics department at the awardee’s institution has a Ph.D. granting program. See the eligibility section of the RFA for further information.
- Application Details:
- Enter the title of the application.
- Start and end date are fixed. The five-year gift will commence September 1, 2025.
- Proposal:
- Upload a PDF of the following:
- Statement of Recent Work (two-page limit, plus up to one page for references and figures, which can be embedded within the text): statement from the applicant explaining the most significant work completed in the previous five years. While unpublished work may be included in the summary, at least some of the work must already have appeared or be accepted in high-quality peer-reviewed publications.
- Statement of Travel/Invitation Goals (one-page limit, plus up to a half page for references and figures, which can be embedded within the text): A statement from the applicant explaining travel/invitation goals for the first year of the grant.
- Applicant Biosketch: Upload a SciENcv or fillable PDF NIH- or NSF-style biosketch
- In the available text boxes, provide the following:
- A list of talks at colloquia, research seminars or research conferences that the applicant has given within the past five years.
- Current or recent (past five years) Ph.D. students supervised, including their dissertation topics, likely date of completion and current employment, if applicable.
- Current or recent postdoctoral fellows supervised.
- Indicate the extent to which, if any, generative AI technology was used and how it was used to develop your proposal.
- Upload a PDF of the following:
- Contacts & Personnel Tab: Refer to the instructions provided in SAM to add Institution Administrative Contacts.
- Budget Tab: Enter the budget as follows: $6,000 per year for Travel & Research, $1,000 per year for Department Discretionary Fund and up to 20 percent for the gift assessment fee at the institution’s rate per year under the Primary Institution Indirect Costs category. Enter the rate of the institution’s gift assessment fee (percentage) in the section for IDC justification. Please note that IDC will not be provided as part of the gift — only the gift assessment fee can be requested. No further justification is required. Applicants may ignore the IDC error message: Applicants may take up to 20 percent in Indirect Costs on Modified Total Direct Costs on the main budget. Please add a justification in the appropriate section to describe why an exception is being requested.
- Abstract & Keywords Tab:
- Technical Abstract: Provide a brief summary of the applicant’s most recent research, particularly that which is relevant to future collaboration and travel plans. The abstract text box has a 3,000-character limit.
- Keywords: Click on the Add/Modify Keywords button to select up to two tags as it applies to the applicant’s research in the last five years. Your choices will be used to select the most suitable reviewers.
- Publications & Other Support Tab:
- Publications: Provide up to five accepted or published papers from the previous five years via the applicant’s SAM profile or PDF upload.
- Other Support:
- Please follow instructions for providing current and pending support for the applicant via their SAM profile. PDF upload is not permitted on this application. Add all the applicant’s current external support, which includes all financial resources, whether federal or nonfederal, available in direct support of this applicant and their research. It is not necessary to include internal funding, this current application or any pending support.
- Reporting overlap is required to submit an application. While overlap is not a consideration for funding in this program, please click on the Report Overlap button for each entry and select Yes or No as appropriate. Additionally, for Person Months please enter zero.
- Check Application Progress: Click the Check Application Progress button to check for any missing required information or files. All missing required information will be listed at the top of the screen and must be corrected before the application can be submitted.
- Send for Sign-off: When the application is complete, click on the Send for sign-off button to send to your signing official for signature. The signing official will also need to certify that the application is being submitted through the correct institutional gift entity. You will receive a notification when the application is signed.
- Submit Application: When the full proposal application is complete and signed, click on the Submit Application button. A confirmation page will appear once the application is successfully submitted. The application will appear in the Submitted tab of the Applications in Progress table. You will not be able to submit an application if the deadline has passed.
- Application Deadline
Noon EST, - Notification by
- Gift Start Date
- Program or Administrative Questions - Technical Questions - Office Hours
Monday–Friday 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Eastern Time - Office Closures
The Simons Foundation offices will be closed November 27-December 1, 2024, and December 24, 2024-January 1, 2025.
Are all areas of mathematics, including statistics, eligible for a Travel Support for Mathematicians gift?
Yes, all areas are eligible, as long as the applicant has a full-time tenure-track or tenured appointment in a mathematics department with a Ph.D. degree granting program. One would not be eligible if one has an appointment solely in a statistics department.
What is the application success rate?
On average, the program funds no more than 25 percent of the applications that are received.
I am an associate professor in a math department that does not offer a Ph.D. program. Am I eligible to apply?
No, mathematicians employed in departments without a Ph.D. program are not eligible to apply.
I would like to reapply; do you provide feedback on non-funded proposals?
We do not provide specific feedback on applications to this program due to the nature of the program and the number of applications we receive.
Can multiple faculty members from the same university apply at the same time?
Yes, there is no limit.
Can a group of individuals submit a joint proposal?
Joint proposals are not accepted. Applications must be submitted by individuals only.
Can I hold a Travel Support for Mathematicians gift and a Simons Fellowship at the same time?
Yes, we allow individuals to hold both simultaneously.
Can the Travel Support for Mathematicians gift be transferred to another institution?
No, the gift is non-transferable.
Can the Travel Support for Mathematicians funds be used for international travel and collaboration?
Yes, the program is designed to support both domestic and international collaborations for mathematicians working in the United States.
If I am not awarded a Travel Support for Mathematicians gift this year, may I reapply next year?
Yes, there is no limit on the number of times one can apply.
I will have a no-cost extension on an NSF award at the time of application. Am I eligible to apply?
If I receive an NSF award after I have submitted my application, do I need to withdraw my application?
No, the other support requirement is only in place at time of application.
Can a no-cost extension be requested at the end of the gift period?
Unspent funds at the end of the gift period should continue to be spent in line with the goals of the gift. No-cost extensions are not required and will not be processed.
If the recipient of a Travel Support for Mathematicians gift leaves the institution, or receives other support for their research, will the gift be terminated? Can this gift be transferred to another institution?
After the application deadline, an application or gift award will not be withdrawn or terminated due to other support. In the case of a PI transfer or retirement, funds should be used by the institution in line with the goals of the gift for scientific travel and research expenses by other faculty members, graduate students or Ph.D. students of the mathematics department. Gifts will not be transferred.
What reporting will be required on Travel Support for Mathematicians gifts?
Annual progress reports and financial statements, and invoicing, will not be required.
Note regarding potential referral of an application to The Simons Foundation International, Ltd. (SFI)
Please note that in the event of budgetary or other considerations The Simons Foundation, Inc. reserves the right to refer an application to The Simons Foundation International, Ltd. (SFI) for consideration and funding, in which case SFI’s grant policies would apply.
The Simons Foundation is proud to announce the recipients of gifts to mathematicians to support collaboration and travel.
Zahra Aminzare
Dan Barbasch
Erin Beckman
Roya Beheshti Zavareh
Lea Beneish
Christine Berkesch
Deniz Bilman
Martin Bridgeman
Fabrice Baudoin
Kenneth Bromberg
Daniela Calvetti
Jeffrey Case
Renzo Cavalieri
Simone Cecchini
Vyjayanthi Chari
Qile Chen
Gautam Chinta
Laura Colmenarejo
Daniel Cooney
Cesar Cuenca
Patrick De Leenheer
Andrzej Dudek
Carla Emilia Farsi
Benjamin Fehrman
Tony Feng
Luigi Ferraro
Solomon Friedberg
Alexey Garber
Mahya Ghandehari
Barbara Giunti
Alexey Glazyrin
Bertrand Guillou
Robert Guralnick
Pamela Harris
Evan Gawlik
Daniel Herden
Patricia Hersh
Richard Hind
Michael Hitrik
Jiuzu Hong
Samuel Hopkins
Bingyang Hu
Xiaoqi Huang
Anton Izosimov
Christopher Judge
Shashank Kanade
Steven Karp
Matt Kerr
Michael Larsen
Joel Lewis
Yiqiang Li
Victor Lie
Ayelet Lindenstrauss
Andrew Linshaw
Baiying Liu
Yusheng Luo
Wenzhi Luo
José Ramón Madrid Padilla
Diego Maldonado
Jacob Matherne
Laurentiu Maxim
Marcos Mazari-Armida
Dermot McCarthy
Djordje Milicevic
Russell Miller
Maggie Miller
Kalina Mincheva
Pavel Mnev
Caroline Moosmüller
Jackson Morrow
Jason Murphy
Gregg Musiker
David Nadler
Evrydiki Nestoridi
Siu-Hung Ng
Boris Okun
Dragos Oprea
Mihran Papikian
Deepam Patel
Gabriel Paternain
N. Christopher Phillips
Kyle Pratt
Enrique Pujals
Ravi Ramakrishna
Parimala Raman
Katherine Raoux
Douglas Rizzolo
Marianna Russkikh
Siddhartha Sahi
David Savitt
Anne Schilling
Nikita Selinger
Yefeng Shen
Zhisheng Shuai
Roman Shvydkoy
David Sivakoff
Andrey Smirnov
Noah Snyder
Loren Spice
Florian Sprung
Sergei Starchenko
Daniel Stern
Sergei Tabachnikov
Ramin Takloo-Bighash
Xiang Tang
Krystal Taylor
Samuel Taylor
Giordano Tierra Chica
Ignacio Tomas
Alexander Tovbis
Mariusz Urbański
Jeremy Usatine
Michael Usher
Naveen Vaidya
Alexandria Volkening
Darko Volkov
Chen Wan
Mu-Tao Wang
Changyou Wang
Weinan Wang
Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk
J. Douglas Wright
Yixiang Wu
Xuan Wu
Jared Wunsch
Hui Xue
Mei Yin
Cheng Yu
Yuriy Zarkhin
Yuming Zhang
Qian Zhang
Yongtao Zhang
Hanming Zhou
Xueyu Zhu
Michael Zieve
Alexander Zupan
Henry Adams
Tom Alberts
Daniel Allcock
Donu Arapura
George Avalos
Gerard Awanou
Dubravka Ban
Katrina Barron
Fabrice Baudoin
Bruno Benedetti
Arunima Bhattacharya
Jeremy Booher
Huai-Dong Cao
Dustin Cartwright
Gong Chen
Dawei Chen
Xiaohui Chen
Sergey Cherkis
Ted Chinburg
Peter Crooks
Sean Curry
Mimi Dai
Hailong Dao
Kiril Datchev
Rankeya Datta
Robin Deeley
Philippe Di Francesco
Benjamin Dozier
Huijing Du
Nathan Dunfield
Mark Ellingham
Maksym Fedorchuk
Kevin Ford
Arnab Ganguly
Evan Gawlik
David Gay
Viktor Ginzburg
Dorian Goldfeld
Luis Gordillo
Anton Gorodetski
Rostislav Grigorchuk
Paul Hagelstein
Richard Hain
David Herzog
Christian Houdré
Ruimeng Hu
Weizhang Huang
Jack Huizenga
Joseph Iaia
Vishesh Jain
Sophia Jang
Gabriela Jaramillo
Hangjie Ji
Naihuan Jing
Michael Jolly
Roy Joshua
Jeremy Kahn
Rinat Kedem
Lee Kennard
Rachel Kirsch
Patricia Klein
Krzysztof Klosin
Leonid Koralov
Demetrio Labate
Jaclyn Lang
Trieu Le
Thái Hoàng Lê
Christopher Leininger
Kevin Lin
Liping Liu
Ling Long
Marcello Lucia
Kyle Luh
Anton Lukyanenko
Neil Lyall
Amita Malik
Henri Martikainen
Hongwei Mei
Irina Mitrea
Ovidiu Munteanu
Ryan Murray
Katherine Newhall
Thang Nguyen
Phuc Nguyen
Zhuang Niu
Jiayin Pan
Tuoc Phan
Elena Poletaeva
Alexander Polishchuk
Robert Pollack
Svetlana Poznanovikj
Natasha Rozhkovskaya
Victoria Sadovskaya
Russell Schwab
Arnab Sen
Brooke Shipley
Anna Skripka
Yan Soibelman
Hema Srinivasan
Nathaniel Stapleton
Mark Stern
Pablo Raúl Stinga
Vesna Stojanoska
Jessica Striker
Selim Sukhtaiev
Joshua Sussan
Ioana Suvaina
Jesse Thorner
Jan Verschelde
Christelle Vincent
Shouhong Wang
Yizao Wang
Zhi-Qiang Wang
Yifan Wang
Benjamin Weinkove
Aaron Welters
Rufus Willett
Ruoyu Wu
Nan Wu
Ping Xu
Chuang Xu
Rongwei Yang
Felix Ye
Alexander Yong
Vera Zeidan
Shira Zerbib
Boyu Zhang
Yimin Zhong
Maxim Zinchenko
Scott Ahlgren
Michael Aizenman
Hannah Alpert
Bahman Angoshtari
Sami Assaf
Kenneth Baker
Olivia Beckwith
Hari Bercovici
Francesca Bernardi
Frauke Bleher
Miklós Bóna
Simon Bortz
Krzysztof Burdzy
Michael Burr
Lisa Carbone
Paul Cazeaux
Le Chen
Zhen-Qing Chen
Wenxiong Chen
Alexey Cheskidov
Maya Chhetri
Heyrim Cho
Lars Christensen
Chris Connell
David Cruz-Uribe
Anton Dochtermann
Lawrence Ein
Sergi Elizalde
Anna Fino
Tatiana Firsova
Jason Fulman
Ayla Gafni
Alexander Gamburd
Punit Gandhi
Shlomo Gelaki
David Gepner
Ryan Grady
Paul Gunnells
Bin Guo
Xiaoying Han
Andrew Harder
Gordon Heier
Jeremiah Heller
Peter Humphries
Joseph Iverson
Yunping Jiang
Yeona Kang
Lien-Yung Kao
Nicolaos Kapouleas
Ralph Kaufmann
Christine Kelley
David Kopriva
Igor Kriz
Jonathan Kujawa
Loredana Lanzani
Richard Laugesen
Rob Lazarsfeld
Michael Lesnick
Xiannan Li
Xiaochun Li
Xiaolong Li
Gabor Lippner
Guozhen Lu
Garving Luli
Michelle Manes
Juan Jose Manfredi
Johanna Mangahas
Jason Manning
Paolo Mantero
Thomas Mark
Eyal Markman
Stephen McKeown
Jonathan Meddaugh
Ezra Miller
Dorina Mitrea
Anirban Mondal
Lin Mu
Pace Nielsen
Grigoris Paouris
Kanishka Perera
You Qi
Jie Qing
Alexander Reznikov
Edward Richmond
Min Ru
Michael Salins
Eugenia Sapir
Omar Saucedo
Gordan Savin
Qin Sheng
Anne Shepler
Mark Shoemaker
Adam Sikora
Clifford Smyth
Renming Song
Nikolay Strigul
Maciej Szczesny
Daniel Szyld
Nicola Tarasca
Victor Turchin
Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson
Samuel Walsh
Xueying Wang
Guannan Wang
Scott Wilson
Joseph Wolf
Robert Won
Kazuo Yamazaki
Xukai Yan
Xiaodong Yan
Yang Yang
Yong Yang
Atilla Yilmaz
Martha Yip
Qiong Zhang
Xiangwen Zhang
Nickolas Andersen
Uri Andrews
David Aulicino
Spencer Backman
Sedi Bartz
Jonathan Beardsley
Christian Benes
Patrick Bennett
Daniel Berwick-Evans
Guanqun Cao
Elvan Ceyhan
Li Chen
Xiongzhi Chen
Dan Cheng
Kwangho Choiy
Tanya Christiansen
Dan Coman
Andrew Comech
Chris Conidis
Stephen Dilworth
Vladimir Dragović
Olivia Dumitrescu
Richard Ehrenborg
Maria Emelianenko
Teng Fei
Greg Friedman
Gregory Galloway
David Galvin
Mahadevan Ganesh
Xiaoli Gao
Ravindra Girivaru
Paul Goerss
Gueo Grantcharov
Dimitar Grantcharov
Xiaoqin Guo
Basak Gurel
Tai Ha
Philip Hackney
Weimin Han
Valentina Harizanov
Peter Hislop
Irina Holmes
Jing-Jing Huang
Alexander Hulpke
Robert Jenkins
Boris Kalinin
Nicholas Katz
Gabriel Khan
Nitu Kitchloo
Irina Kogan
Muthu Krishnamurthy
Tamara Kucherenko
Ming-Jun Lai
Brian Lehmann
Doron Levy
Han Li
Chi-Kwong Li
Rong Luo
Akos Magyar
Zhengyu Mao
Arnaud Marsiglietti
Jessica McDonald
Peter McGrath
Juan Migliore
Oleksandr Misiats
David Murrugarra
Erkan Nane
Sam Nariman
Wenbo Niu
H. Reed Ogrosky
Cheng Ouyang
Judith Packer
Peter Patzt
Sonja Petrović
Cristian Popescu
Olav Richter
Larry Rolen
Joris Roos
Antônio Sá Barreto
Indranil SenGupta
Ekaterina Shemyakova
Gieri Simonett
Yannick Sire
Vaidyanathan Sivaraman
Stanley Snelson
Avraham Soffer
Philippe Sosoe
Christof Sparber
Benjamin Steinberg
Vitaly Tarasov
Alexander Teplyaev
Vasu Tewari
Ihsan Topaloglu
Jeremy Tyson
Dan-Virgil Voiculescu
Petr Vojtechovsky
Joseph Waldron
Carl Wang-Erickson
Ning Wei
Radoslaw Wojciechowski
Chenxi Wu
Yuan Xu
Dan Yasaki
Matthew Young
Qing Zhang
Mihye Ahn
María Alfonseca-Cubero
Pieter Allaart
Zahra Aminzare
Asher Auel
Matt Bainbridge
Matthew Baker
Matthew Ballard
Yuri Berest
John Bergdall
Dmitriy Bilyk
Boris Botvinnik
Theodora Bourni
Jared Bronski
Wlodzimierz Bryc
Giulio Caviglia
Ching-Li Chai
Debraj Chakrabarti
Vorrapan Chandee
Sun-Yung Alice Chang
Calin Chindris
Mihai Ciucu
Alina Carmen Cojocaru
Caterina Consani
Sanjeena Dang
Georgios Daskalopoulos
Somantika Datta
James Davis
Gustavo Didier
Hongjie Dong
John Duncan
Iwan Duursma
Dan Edidin
Mohamed Elhamdadi
Jake Fillman
Susanna Fishel
Daniel Freeman
Joseph Fu
Amin Gholampour
José González
Janko Gravner
Youngjoon Hong
G. Christopher Hruska
Wenqing Hu
An Huang
Kiyoshi Igusa
Yunfeng Jiang
Alexandra Jilkine
Yu Jin
Mathew Johnson
Victor Kac
Claus Kadelka
Mehrdad Kalantar
Emily Kang
Martin Kassabov
Kiumars Kaveh
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen
Brett Kotschwar
Jeffrey Kuan
Nicholas Kuhn
Jiří Lebl
Jeonghun Lee
Kyu-Hwan Lee
Yuan-Pin Lee
Norman Levenberg
Kening Lu
Erik Lundberg
Songting Luo
James MacLaurin
Justin Malestein
Ryan Martin
Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein
Laura Matusevich
Tao Mei
Jason Metcalfe
Antun Milas
Micah Milinovich
Jeremy Miller
Joseph Miller
Richard Montgomery
Evgeny Mukhin
Virginia Naibo
Victor Nelson
Irina Nenciu
Hon Keung Tony Ng
Wei Ning
Andrew Obus
Omer Offen
Cory Palmer
Jay Pantone
Matthew Papanikolas
Stefania Patrizi
Leonid Petrov
Juanita Pinzón-Caicedo
Florian Pop
Mihai Putinar
Eric Todd Quinto
Andrew Raich
Igor Rapinchuk
Xiaofeng Ren
Andrew Sale
Benjamin Schmidt
Elissa Schwartz
Linhui Shen
Clayton Shonkwiler
Joseph Silverman
Brian Simanek
Leonid Slavin
Daniel Smith-Tone
Joel Spruck
Tracy Stepien
Alexandru Suciu
Michael Sullivan
Jiguang Sun
Pengtao Sun
Shu-Ming Sun
Si Tang
Saleh Tanveer
Ivan Todorov
Anh Tran
Hung Tran
Rodrigo Treviño
Douglas Ulmer
Monica Vazirani
Christopher Vinroot
Andrew Waldron
Lihe Wang
Xingting Wang
Yuan Wang
Ben Ward
Benjamin Webb
Jason Williford
Jiahong Wu
Qiang Wu
Dexuan Xie
Catherine Huafei Yan
Maxim Yattselev
Malik Younsi
Anna Zemlyanova
Hongkun Zhang
Qi Zhang
Wenjing Zhang
Yi Zhao
Yichuan Zhao
Ping Zhong
Gang Zhou
Meijun Zhu
David Zywina
Rafail Abramov
Jeff Achter
Henry Adams
Mark Adler
Shabnam Akhtari
Mark Allen
Paolo Aluffi
George Andrews
Tathagata Basak
Refik Inanc Baykur
Margaret Beck
Ioan Bejenaru
Arkady Berenstein
Zachary Bradshaw
Solesne Bourguin
Patrick Brosnan
Alexandru Buium
Xuan Cao
Dawei Chen
Le Chen
Benjamin Cooper
Xianzhe Dai
Alexei Davydov
Robin Deeley
Yu Deng
Roi Docampo
Chongying Dong
Alexander Dranishnikov
Daniel Dugger
Alexander Duncan
Mehmet Burak Erdogan
Albert Fannjiang
Brooke Feigon
Sergio Fenley
Max Forester
Amit Ghosh
Gung-Min Gie
Andrew Gillette
Michael Goldberg
Loukas Grafakos
Michael Greenblatt
Julia Grigsby
Hayriye Gulbudak
Hrant Hakobyan
Brian Hall
Daniel Halpern-Leistner
Daozhi Han
Jie Han
John Harper
Jonas Hartwig
James Heitsch
Hamid Hezari
Richard Hind
W. Patrick Hooper
Su-ion Ih
Plamen Iliev
John Imbrie
Miodrag Iovanov
Michael Jablonski
Shashank Kanade
Christoph Keller
Matt Kerr
Rizwanur Khan
Ryan Kinser
Dan Knopf
Arjun Krishnan
John Krueger
Denka Kutzarova
Mehdi Lejmi
Steffen Lempp
Joel Lewis
Zhilin Li
Zhongyang Li
Bernard Lidický
Yu-Shen Lin
Hans Lindblad
Andrew Linshaw
Zhipeng Liu
Nicholas Loehr
Enkeleida Lushi
Andreas Malmendier
Chris Miller
Kailash Misra
Marius Mitrea
Camil Muscalu
Uwe Nagel
Calistus Ngonghala
Daniel Orr
Mihran Papikian
Elliot Paquette
James Pascaleff
Ronald Pavlov
Jonathon Peterson
Kevin Pilgrim
Peter Pivovarov
James Propp
Józef Przytycki
Yoav Rieck
Dmitry Ryabogin
Daniel Sage
Peter Samuelson
Evelyn Sander
Ralf Schmidt
Sohrab Shahshahani
Yefeng Shen
Ke Shi
Peter Sin
Guohui Song
Frank Sottile
Birgit Speh
Loren Spice
Florian Sprung
Nathaniel Stapleton
Shannon Starr
Zhihua Su
Hongbin Sun
Tomasz Tkocz
Magdalena Toda
Susan Tolman
Bulent Tosun
Hsian-Hua Tseng
Li-Sheng Tseng
Ignacio Uriarte-Tuero
Petros Valettas
Jeremy Van Horn-Morris
Pierre van Moerbeke
Vincent Vatter
Xiaowei Wang
Stephan Wehrli
Gary Weiss
James Wilson
Jonathan Wise
Christian Wolf
Jared Wunsch
Xiang Xu
Jue Yan
Ae Ja Yee
Benjamin Young
Cheng Yu
Fabrizio Zanello
Matthew Zaremsky
Mingji Zhang
Xiaolei Zhao
Ilia Zharkov
Tianyi Zheng
Lingjiong Zhu
Artem Zvavitch
Marcelo Aguiar
Anar Akhmedov
Donu Arapura
David Auckly
Bojko Bakalov
Dan Barbasch
Fabrice Baudoin
Hakima Bessaih
Tom Bohman
Sam Buss
Huai-Dong Cao
Xiaodong Cao
Luca Capogna
Sebastian Casalaina-Martin
Po-Ning Chen
Xia Chen
Alexey Cheskidov
Francis Chung
Ronan Conlon
Baris Coskunuzer
Magdalena Czubak
Zajj Daugherty
Janos Englander
Christine Escher
Maksym Fedorchuk
Yunlong Feng
Todd Fisher
Shmuel Friedland
Gunter Fuchs
Aurel Mihai Fulger
David Futer
Wee Liang Gan
Arka Ghosh
Patrick Gilmer
Viktor Ginzburg
Dorian Goldfeld
Erica Graham
Jacob Greenstein
Erik Guentner
Abba Gumel
Christopher Heil
Susan Hermiller
Adam Jacob
Christopher Judge
Sung Ha Kang
Curtis Kent
Krzysztof Klosin
Tri Lai
Loredana Lanzani
Siu-Cheong Lau
Sean Lawton
Cristian Lenart
Brandon Levin
Dmitriy Leykekhman
Luen-Chau Li
Janna Lierl
Sookkyung Lim
Weishi Liu
Peng Lu
Joseph Maher
Konstantin Makarov
Andreas Mang
Christopher Manon
Laurentiu Maxim
Jason McCullough
Kelly McKinnie
Pengzi Miao
Leonardo Constantin Mihalcea
Russell Miller
Lawrence Moss
Jason Murphy
Xuan Hien Nguyen
Gestur Olafsson
Brian Osserman
Anand Oza
Xavier Pérez Giménez
Anton Petrunin
N. Christopher Phillips
Ameya Pitale
Aaron Pollack
Nathan Priddis
Daniel Ramras
Nathan Reading
Richard Rebarber
Christopher Rogers
Efren Ruiz
Hailin Sang
Gordan Savin
Armin Schikorra
Brian Smithling
David Smyth
Gareth Speight
Sandra Spiroff
Peter Sternberg
Pablo Raúl Stinga
Christopher Strickland
Shuichiro Takeda
Murad Taqqu
Dane Taylor
Frank Thorne
Mihai Tohaneanu
William T. Trotter
Mariusz Urbański
Alexander Voronov
Uli Walther
Thomas Wanner
Jonathan Weitsman
Jared Whitehead
Nathan Williams
Emily Witt
Willie Wai-Yeung Wong
Zhijun Wu
Hang Xue
Alexander Yong
Yuriy Zarkhin
Anton Zeitlin
Lei Zhang
Xiangxiong Zhang
Bentuo Zheng
Maxim Zinchenko
Aleksey Zinger
Dominique Zosso