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Each fellow is provided up to five (5) years of financial support, split into a faculty research award over three (3) years and an optional postdoctoral award for a maximum of two (2) years.

For either phase, the fellow may be affiliated with institutions located within or outside the United States.

Faculty Research Award

The central focus of this award program is the Faculty Research Award, which is intended to support the fellow’s scientific research vision over the first three (3) years of their independent lab.

The Faculty Research Award includes:
Total budget of $600,000 USD, inclusive of 20 percent indirect costs, intended as a supplement to a full institution-provided start-up package. Funds may be used for reasonable costs related to the fellow’s scientific research, except for: 1) the fellow’s salary support, and 2) general lab equipment, such as freezers and refrigerators.

Postdoctoral Award

The Postdoctoral Award is intended to support the fellow while on the faculty job market during their transition to the faculty position. Fellows are not required to use the Postdoctoral Award.

The Postdoctoral Award must be activated on September 1 of the year the fellow is notified of the award. The end date of the award is the date the fellow departs from their postdoctoral position or two (2) calendar years after the start date, whichever occurs first. The Postdoctoral Award includes the following annually:

  • $85,000 USD stipend
  • $10,000 USD career development allowance
  • $15,000 USD health insurance & other benefits allowance

Funds may be supplemented from other sources of funding.

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