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Community is an integral part of the Fellows-to-Faculty Award. We strive to create opportunities for fellows to form genuine connections, engage in meaningful scientific discussions, and practice useful skills during this career transition.

Activities include in-person attendance at invited investigator meetings and fellows retreats, and participation in virtual community meetings, 1:1 meetings with an assigned career mentor and Simons Foundation staff.

Throughout the faculty job search, negotiation and transition to a faculty position, fellows are expected to meet regularly with Simons Foundation staff to seek perspective and coaching. Our intention is to provide the fellow with support as they negotiate a start-up package to allow them to be optimally successful as an independent investigator. Simons Foundation staff provide the fellow a letter addressed to faculty hiring committees specifying our financial commitment to the fellow and their research vision. Before signing a faculty job offer, the fellow should confirm with Simons Foundation staff that the position is suitable for the Faculty Research Award.

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