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Simons-NSBP Scholars Program (SNSP) Mentors

Our Mentors come from the Centers of the Flatiron Institute and the Simons Observatory. Potential Mentors apply to work with a Scholar and then are chosen based on their mentoring experience and potential to provide a Scholar with an exceptional experience. Additionally all of our Mentors commit to a series of Mentorship training discussions that give them the tools to ensure that they provide their Scholars with the best training possible.


  • Adriaan Duivenvoorden Simons Observatory / Princeton
  • Alex van Engelen Simons Observatory / Arizona State University
  • Brian Keating Simons Observatory / UC San Diego
  • David Lipshutz CCN
  • Eric Gawiser Simons Observatory / Rutgers
  • Jake Spisak Simons Observatory / UC San Diego
  • James Smith CCQ
  • Jo Dunkley Simons Observatory / Princeton
  • Karen Perez SarmientoSimons Observatory / UPenn
  • Maitrayee Bose Arizona State University
  • Mark Devlin Simons Observatory / UPenn
  • Maria Okounkova CCA
  • Mat Madhavacheril Simons Observatory

  • Mike NiemackSimons Observatory / Cornell
  • Mitya Chklovskii CCN
  • Natalie Sauerwald CCB
  • Rachel Sealfon CCB
  • Reza Farhadifar CCB
  • Steve Choi Simons Observatory / Cornell
  • Sultan Hassan CCA
  • Tanay Bhandarkar Simons Observatory / UPenn
  • Timothy Berkelback CCQ
  • Vera Gluscevic Simons Observatory / University of Southern California
  • Yajie Yuan CCA
  • Zach Huber Simons Observatory / Cornell


Our Mentors come from the Centers of the Flatiron Institute and the Simons Observatory. Potential Mentors apply to work with a Scholar and then are chosen based on their mentoring experience and potential to provide a Scholar with an exceptional experience. Additionally all of our Mentors commit to a series of Mentorship training discussions that give them the tools to ensure that they provide their Scholars with the best training possible.

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