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CCQ Current and Past Quantum Cafe Schedules

2023 Schedule

February 21, 2023John Schotland
(Yale University)
Quantum Optics in Random Media
March 28, 2023Efthimios "Tim" Kaxiras
(Harvard University)
Twistronics: A New Platform for Exploring Physics and Applications in 2D
April 4, 2023Sanfeng Wu
(Princeton University)
Topology, Superconductivity and Unconventional Quantum Criticality in Monolayer WTe2
April 11, 2023Andrea Cavalleri
(Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter)
Advances in Optically Driven Cuprate Superconductivity
April 25, 2023Timothy Berkelbach
(Columbia University)
May 9, 2023Renata Wentzcovitch
(Columbia University)
Spin crossovers in iron in mantle phases
September 19, 2023David Ceperly (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)The Role of QMC in Developming Born-Oppenheimer Potentials: Results on Dense Hydrogen
October 17, 2023Matthias Troyer (Microsoft)Accelerating Scientific Discovery with HPC, AI and Quantum Computing
November 7, 2023Ricardo Comin

Quantum Café is CCQ’s ongoing seminar series: open to all bona fide members of the greater NYC scientific community and held every second week, Quantum Café presents a series of informal, highly interactive talks, typically by external speakers, which present the most interesting recent developments and open questions in our field.

Past Quantum Cafe Schedules:

Quantum Cafe Schedule 2022
Quantum Cafe Schedule 2021
Quantum Cafe Schedule 2020
Quantum Cafe Schedule 2019
Quantum Cafe Schedule 2018
Quantum Cafe Schedule 2017

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