563 Publications

Steps of actin filament branch formation by Arp2/3 complex investigated with coarse-grained molecular dynamics

Shuting Zhang , Dimitrios Vavylonis

The nucleation of actin filament branches by the Arp2/3 complex involves activation through nucleation promotion factors (NPFs), recruitment of actin monomers, and binding of the complex to the side of actin filaments. Because of the large system size and processes that involve flexible regions and diffuse components, simulations of branch formation using all-atom molecular dynamics are challenging. We applied a coarse-grained model that retains amino-acid level information and allows molecular dynamics simulations in implicit solvent, with globular domains represented as rigid bodies and flexible regions allowed to fluctuate. We used recent electron microscopy structures of the inactive Arp2/3 complex bound to NPF domains and to mother actin filament for the activated Arp2/3 complex. We studied interactions of Arp2/3 complex with the activating VCA domain of the NPF Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein, actin monomers, and actin filament. We found stable configurations with one or two actin monomers bound along the branch filament direction and with CA domain of VCA associated to the strong and weak binding sites of the Arp2/3 complex, supporting prior structural studies and validating our approach. We reproduced delivery of actin monomers and CA to the Arp2/3 complex under different conditions, providing insight into mechanisms proposed in previous studies. Simulations of active Arp2/3 complex bound to a mother actin filament indicate the contribution of each subunit to the binding. Addition of the C-terminal tail of Arp2/3 complex subunit ArpC2, which is missing in the cryo-EM structure, increased binding affinity, indicating a possible stabilizing role of this tail.

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Fluid circulation driven by collectively organized metachronal waves in swimming T. aceti nematodes

A. C. Quillen, A. Peshkov, B. Chakrabarti, et al.

Recent experiments have shown that the nematode {\it T. aceti} can assemble into collectively undulating groups at the edge of fluid drops. This coordinated state consists of metachronal waves and drives fluid circulation inside the drop. We find that the circulation velocity is about 2 mm/s and nearly half the speed of the metachronal wave. We develop a quasi two-dimensional hydrodynamics model using the Stokes flow approximation. The periodic motion of the nematodes constitute our moving boundary condition that drives the flow. Our model suggests that large amplitude excursions of the nematodes tails produce the fluid circulation. We discuss the constraints on containers that would enhance fluid motion, which could be used in the future design of on demand flow generating systems.

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Concurrent ARFI Plaque Imaging and Wall Shear Stress Measurement in Human Carotid Artery, with Validation by Fluid Structure Interaction Model.

Keerthi S. Anand, E. Kolahdouz, et al.

The rupture potential of an atherosclerotic plaque is dependent on both the plaque's composition and the shear stresses it encounters from blood flow. Because plaques move and deform throughout the cardiac cycle, resulting in changes to plaque position and shape as well as to the encountered shear stresses, concurrent imaging of both risk factors over time is required to accurately predict plaque vulnerability. To evaluate the potential to achieve as much, multi-angle plane wave (PW) ARFI and least-squares vector Doppler data were acquired in a calibrated flow phantom with channels of 4–8 mm diameters and flow rates of 100–600 ml/min. The wall shear stress (WSS) was measured to within 15% of the ground-truth analytical solutions. The same methods were then implemented in an excised human cadaveric carotid with a x% stenotic plaque. ARFI VoA detected plaque regions of calcium and intraplaque hemorrhage that were validated by spatially-matched histology. Concurrent vector Doppler yielded a peak WSS of 5.2 Pa on the plaque shoulder, which was consistent with the 6.4 Pa WSS predicted by an immersed interface fluid-solid interation (FSI) model developed using the specific geometry of the examined cadaveric carotid. Overall our results demonstrate the feasibility of concurrent imaging of carotid plaque composition by ARFI VoA, vector flow, and WSS to better assess stroke risk.

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SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak Dynamics in an Isolated US Military Recruit Training Center With Rigorous Prevention Measures

Rhonda A. Lizewski, R. Sealfon, O. Troyanskaya, et al.

Marine recruits training at Parris Island experienced an unexpectedly high rate of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, despite preventive measures including a supervised, 2-week, pre-entry quarantine. We characterize SARS-CoV-2 transmission in this cohort.

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Identifying genes and pathways linking astrocyte regional specificity to Alzheimer’s disease susceptibility

Ran Zhang , Margarete Knudsen, O. Troyanskaya, et al.

Astrocytes have been shown to play a central role in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). However, the genes and biological pathways underlying disease manifestation are unknown, and it is unclear whether regional molecular differences among astrocytes contribute to regional specificity of disease. Here, we began to address these challenges with integrated experimental and computational approaches. We constructed a human astrocyte-specific functional gene network using Bayesian integration of a large compendium of human functional genomics data, as well as regional astrocyte gene expression profiles we generated in the mouse. This network identifies likely region-specific astrocyte pathways that operate in healthy brains. We leveraged our findings to compile genome-wide astrocyte-associated disease-gene predictions, employing a novel network-guided differential expression analysis (NetDIFF). We also used this data to predict a list of astrocyte-expressed genes mediating region-specific human disease, using a network-guided shortest path method (NetPATH). Both the network and our results are publicly available using an interactive web interface at http://astrocyte.princeton.edu. Our experimental and computational studies propose a strategy for disease gene and pathway prediction that may be applied to a host of human neurological disorders.

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How to Design Peptides

Joseph Dodd-O, Amanda M Acevedo-Jake, V. Mulligan, et al.

Novel design of proteins to target receptors for treatment or tissue augmentation has come to the fore owing to advancements in computing power, modeling frameworks, and translational successes. Shorter proteins, or peptides, can offer combinatorial synergies with dendrimer, polymer, or other peptide carriers for enhanced local signaling, which larger proteins may sterically hinder. Here, we present a generalized method for designing a novel peptide. We first show how to create a script protocol that can be used to iteratively optimize and screen novel peptide sequences for binding a target protein. We present a step-by-step introduction to utilizing file repositories, data bases, and the Rosetta software suite. RosettaScripts, an .xml interface that allows for sequential functions to be performed, is used to order the functions for repeatable performance. These strategies may lead to more groups venturing into computational design, which may result in synergies from artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) to phage display and screening. Importantly, the beginner is expected to be able to design their first peptide ligand and begin their journey in peptide drug discovery. Generally, these peptides potentially could be used to interact with any enzyme or receptor, for example, in the study of chemokines and their interactions with glycosoaminoglycans and their receptors.

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Incompressible active phases at an interface. Part 1. Formulation and axisymmetric odd flows

L. Jia, William T. M. Irvine, M. Shelley

Inspired by the recent realization of a two-dimensional (2-D) chiral fluid as an active monolayer droplet moving atop a 3-D Stokesian fluid, we formulate mathematically its free-boundary dynamics. The surface droplet is described as a general 2-D linear, incompressible and isotropic fluid, having a viscous shear stress, an active chiral driving stress and a Hall stress allowed by the lack of time-reversal symmetry. The droplet interacts with itself through its driven internal mechanics and by driving flows in the underlying 3-D Stokes phase. We pose the dynamics as the solution to a singular integral–differential equation, over the droplet surface, using the mapping from surface stress to surface velocity for the 3-D Stokes equations. Specializing to the case of axisymmetric droplets, exact representations for the chiral surface flow are given in terms of solutions to a singular integral equation, solved using both analytical and numerical techniques. For a disc-shaped monolayer, we additionally employ a semi-analytical solution that hinges on an orthogonal basis of Bessel functions and allows for efficient computation of the monolayer velocity field, which ranges from a nearly solid-body rotation to a unidirectional edge current, depending on the subphase depth and the Saffman–Delbrück length. Except in the near-wall limit, these solutions have divergent surface shear stresses at droplet boundaries, a signature of systems with codimension-one domains embedded in a 3-D medium. We further investigate the effect of a Hall viscosity, which couples radial and transverse surface velocity components, on the dynamics of a closing cavity. Hall stresses are seen to drive inward radial motion, even in the absence of edge tension.

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The physical basis of self-organization of the mammalian oocyte spindle

Colm P Kelleher, D. Needleman

To prepare gametes with the appropriate number of chromosomes, mammalian oocytes undergo two sequential cell divisions. During each division, a large, long-lived, microtubule-based organelle called the meiotic spindle assembles around condensed chromosomes. Although meiotic spindles have been intensively studied for several decades, as force-generating mechanical objects, they remain very poorly understood. In materials physics, coarse-grained theories have been essential in understanding the large-scale behavior of systems composed of many interacting particles. It is unclear, however, if this approach can succeed in capturing the properties of active, biochemically complex, living materials like the spindle. Here, we show that a class of models based on nematic liquid crystal theory can describe important aspects of the organelle-scale structure and dynamics of spindles in living mouse oocytes. Using our models to interpret quantitative polarization microscopy data, we measure for the first time material properties relating to stress propagation in living oocytes, including the nematic diffusivities corresponding to splay and bend deformations. Unlike the reconstituted amphibian spindles that were previously studied in vitro, nematic elastic stress is exponentially screened in the microtubule network of living mammalian oocytes, with a screening length of order one micron. This observation can be explained by the relatively high volume fraction of embedded chromosomes in mammalian meiotic spindles, which cause long voids in the microtubule network and so disrupt orientational stress propagation.

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November 2, 2022

Pre-infection antiviral innate immunity contributes to sex differences in SARS-CoV-2 infection

Male sex is a major risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection severity. To understand the basis for this sex difference, we studied SARS-CoV-2 infection in a young adult cohort of United States Marine recruits. Among 2,641 male and 244 female unvaccinated and seronegative recruits studied longitudinally, SARS-CoV-2 infections occurred in 1,033 males and 137 females. We identified sex differences in symptoms, viral load, blood transcriptome, RNA splicing, and proteomic signatures. Females had higher pre-infection expression of antiviral interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) programs. Causal mediation analysis implicated ISG differences in number of symptoms, levels of ISGs, and differential splicing of CD45 lymphocyte phosphatase during infection. Our results indicate that the antiviral innate immunity set point causally contributes to sex differences in response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. A record of this paper’s transparent peer review process is included in the supplemental information.

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November 1, 2022

Multibody molecular docking on a quantum annealer

Mohit Pandey, Tristan Zaborniak, V. Mulligan, et al

Molecular docking, which aims to find the most stable interacting configuration of a set of molecules, is of critical importance to drug discovery. Although a considerable number of classical algorithms have been developed to carry out molecular docking, most focus on the limiting case of docking two molecules. Since the number of possible configurations of N molecules is exponential in N, those exceptions which permit docking of more than two molecules scale poorly, requiring exponential resources to find high-quality solutions. Here, we introduce a one-hot encoded quadratic unconstrained binary optimization formulation (QUBO) of the multibody molecular docking problem, which is suitable for solution by quantum annealer. Our approach involves a classical pre-computation of pairwise interactions, which scales only quadratically in the number of bodies while permitting well-vetted scoring functions like the Rosetta REF2015 energy function to be used. In a second step, we use the quantum annealer to sample low-energy docked configurations efficiently, considering all possible docked configurations simultaneously through quantum superposition. We show that we are able to minimize the time needed to find diverse low-energy docked configurations by tuning the strength of the penalty used to enforce the one-hot encoding, demonstrating a 3-4 fold improvement in solution quality and diversity over performance achieved with conventional penalty strengths. By mapping the configurational search to a form compatible with current- and future-generation quantum annealers, this work provides an alternative means of solving multibody docking problems that may prove to have performance advantages for large problems, potentially circumventing the exponential scaling of classical approaches and permitting a much more efficient solution to a problem central to drug discovery and validation pipelines.

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