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Science with HabEx: UV to Near-Infrared Space Astronomy in the 2030s


The Habitable Exoplanet Observatory (HabEx) is one of four concepts currently under study by NASA in preparation for the 2020 Astrophysics Decadal Survey. HabEx is designed to be the next-generation great observatory that has the capability to address physics of the cosmos, cosmic origins, and solar system and exoplanet science. HabEx is a space-based, four-meter diameter telescope with ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy capabilities, and at least 50 percent of the primary five-year mission will be dedicated to community involvement through a competed and funded Guest Observer (GO) program.

The purpose of this meeting is to invite members of the community to present scientific investigations and observational programs that:

  • Will be important and relevant in the 2030s.
  • Can be specifically conducted — or could benefit from synergistic observations — with HabEx.

To apply to give a presentation, abstract submissions are due by September 7. The registration deadline to attend the meeting is October 1.

More information on HabEx can be found on the HabEx website. See the “Mission” tab for information on the telescope and instrument capabilities.

The most comprehensive information on HabEx can be found in the HabEx Interim Report.

  • Monday October 15

    12:30 pmmeeting room opens – informal discussions
    1:00 - 1:10pmWelcome and meeting objectives (R. Somerville/B. Mennesson)
    1:10 - 1:25pmUltraviolet Spectrograph (UVS) Instrument capabilities (P. Scowen)
    1:25 - 1:40pmHabEx Workhorse Camera (HWC) Instrument capabilities (D. Stern)
    1:40 - 1:55pmCoronagraph instrument capabilities (B. Mennesson)
    1:55 - 2:10pmStarshade instrument capabilities (B. Mennesson)
    2:10 - 2:30pmFuture Planet Formation Studies with HabEx (A. Roberge)
    2:30 - 2:50pmUV and Optical Transit Spectroscopy in the Post-JWST Era (E. Kempton)
    2:50 - 3:10pmCoffee Break
    3:10 - 3:30pmExploration of Gas Giants and Satellites with HabEx (W. Harris)
    3:30 - 3:50pmExploring Small bodies in the Solar System with HabEx (F. Marchis)
    3:50 - 4:10pmUV Observations of Solar System Surfaces with HabEx (A. Hendrix)
    4:10 - 4:30pmIonizing Radiation over Cosmic Time with HabEx (S. McCandliss)
    4:30 - 4:50pmTransient and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics with HabEx (B. Cenko)
    4:50 - 5:10pmLocal Relics of Black Hole Seeds in Dwarf Galaxies (A. Reines)
    5:10 - 6:00pmOpen discussion (co-led by A. Kiessling & D. Stern)
    7:00 pmConference Dinner

    Tuesday October 16

    8:00 ammeeting room opens – informal discussions
    8:30 amCheck-in and Breakfast
    9:00 - 9:20amThe Extragalactic Distance Scale in the 2030s (L. Macri)
    9:20 - 9:40amGalactic Gas Flows: New Frontiers in UV Spectroscopy (J. Tumlinson)
    9:40 - 10:00am Probing the Circumgalactic and Intergalactic Media (J. Bartlett)
    10:00 - 10:20amInsights into Galaxy Evolution from Resolved Stars (K. McQuinn)
    10:20 - 10:50amHabEx in the Era of ELTs (C. Dumas / R. Bernstein)
    10:50 - 11:10amCoffee Break
    11:10 - 11:30amObserving Galaxy Evolution in the UV with HabEx (H. Teplitz)
    11:30 - 11:50amGalaxy Formation and Evolution (H. Ferguson)
    11:50am - 12:10pmPhysics of Star Formation in Central Cluster Galaxies (M. Postman)
    12:10 - 12:30pmAGN Astrophysics with Exoplanet Instruments (S. Ford)
    12:30 - 12:50pmStrong Lensing with HabEx (L. Moustakas)
    12:50 - 1:50pmLunch Break
    1:50 - 2:10pmMassive Star Formation in the Local Volume with HabEx (D. Thilker)
    2:10 - 2:30pmEvolved Massive Stars with HabEx (P. Morris)
    2:30 - 2:50pmBiosignature Search Strategies and Opportunities with HabEx (G. Arney)
    2:50 - 3:10pmRevisiting Oxygen False Positives in ExoEarth Atmospheres (S. Harman)
    3:10 - 3:30pmCoronagraph Simulations for HabEx (A. Britt)
    3:30 - 3:50pmSimulating Precursor Radial Velocity Surveys (P. Plavchan)
    3:50 - 4:10pmCoffee Break
    4:10 - 5:30pmOpen discussion (co-led by A. Kiessling & D. Stern)
    5:30 pmAdjourn
  • HabEx archived powerpoint presentations and information can be found here.

  • Confirmed Speakers:

    SpeakerAffiliationScience with HabEx
    Giada ArneyGSFCSearch for life
    James BarlettJPL/CaltechCGM/IGM
    Rebecca BernsteinGMTSynergies with the GMT
    Amber BrittFisk UniversityCoronagraph design reference mission development
    Brad CenkoGSFCMassive black holes/ LISA
    Christophe DumasTMTSynergies with the TMT
    Harry FergusonSTScIGalaxy formation and evolution
    Saavik FordCUNYBlack holes / nearby galaxies
    Sonny HarmanGSFC/Columbia UniversityTerrestrial exoplanet atmospheric chemistry
    Walt HarrisUniversity of ArizonaPlanetary atmospheres
    Amanda HendrixPlanetary Science InstituteSolar System Surfaces
    Eliza KemptonUniversity of MarylandExoplanet transit spectroscopy
    Lucas MacriTexas A&M UniversityCosmology
    Franck MarchisSETI InstituteSolar system science
    Stephan McCandlissJohns Hopkins UniversityEmission and absorption processes of hydrogen
    Kristen McQuinnYaleGalaxy evolution / resovled stars
    Patrick MorrisIPAC/CaltechMassive star evolution
    Leonidas MoustakasJPLStrong Lensing
    Peter PlavchanGeorge Mason UniversityPrecursor RV Surveys
    Marc PostmanSTScIGeneral astrophysics
    Amy ReinesMontana State UniversityBlack holes / nearby galaxies
    Aki RobergeGSFCCircumstellar disks
    Harry TeplitzIPACUV extragalactic observations
    David ThilkerJohns Hopkins University Massive star formation
    Jason TumlinsonSTScICosmic origins
  • Participants should arrange their own hotel accommodations. The following hotels are recommended by the Flatiron institute:

    The James Hotel, NOMAD, NYC
    22 E 29th St, New York, NY 10016
    (212) 532-4100

    The Marcel at Gramercy
    201 E 24th Street
    New York, NY 10010
    (212) 696-3800

    Pod 39
    145 E 39th St, New York, NY 10016
    (844) 763-7666

    The Redbury New York
    29 E 29th St, New York, NY 10016
    (212) 689-1900>

    The Roger New York
    131 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016
    (212) 448-7000

    W New York – Union Square
    201 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003
    (212) 253-9119

  • John Clarke (Boston Univ.)

    Shawn Domagal-Goldman (NASA-GSFC)

    Scott Gaudi (OSU)

    Alina Kiessling (NASA-JPL)

    Bertrand Mennesson (NASA-JPL)

    Ty Robinson (NAU)

    Leslie Rogers (Univ. of Chicago)

    Paul Scowen (ASU)

    Sara Seager (MIT)

    Rachel Somerville (Rutgers Univ./ Flatiron Institute)

    Daniel Stern (NASA-JPL)

    Keith Warfield (NASA-JPL)

  • Queries can be sent to:

    Bertrand Mennesson (HabEx Study Scientist)

    Scott Gaudi (HabEx Science and Technology Definition Team Co-Chair)

    Alina Kiessling (HabEx Deputy Study Scientist)

    Rachel Somerville (HabEx STDT Member and local Flatiron Institute host)

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