SCGB West Coast Postdoc Meeting Series
The Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain invites you to our quarterly west coast postdoc meeting series. The purpose of these meetings is to bring together postdocs interested in neural coding and dynamics to discuss ideas and data. Please RSVP by Feb 1.
The meeting organizer is Anna Gillespie, a postdoc and SCGB Fellow in Loren Frank’s lab at UCSF. The speakers for the winter meeting are:
Robert G.K. Munn, PhD
Postdoc in Giocomo Lab, Stanford University
Entorhinal velocity signals reflect environmental geometry
Jennifer Sun, PhD
Postdoc in Stryker lab, University of California, San Francisco
Temporal coupling of locomotion and visual plasticity
Dinner and beverages will be served. Please forward this to colleagues that you think will be interested. We look forward to seeing you there!
To receive invitations for regional postdoc meetings, register here: