NYC Computational Cryo-EM Summer Workshop


A slide from NYC computational Cryo-EM Summer workshop

The NYC Computational Cryo-EM Summer Workshop brings together applied mathematicians, software developers, and experimentalists from the field of cryo-EM to advance the state of data analysis and processing. This includes development of new algorithms and software, as well as identifying new problems introduced by recent experimental techniques.

Specific topics include:
– advances in reconstruction algorithms,
– software implementations and automation,
– motion correction,
– 2D and 3D classification and continuous heterogeneity analysis,
– related mathematical results, and
– new challenges.

The workshop includes talks by sixteen speakers (see below), a poster session, a panel discussion, and a free-form “show and tell” session.

  • SpeakerAffiliation
    Joakim AndénFlatiron Institute
    Alberto BartesaghiDuke University
    Jose Maria CarazoSpanish National Centre for Biotechnology
    Bridget CarragherNew York Structural Biology Center
    Gregory ChirikjianJohns Hopkins University
    Pilar CossioMax Planck Institute of Biophysics and University of Antioquia, Colombia
    Joachim FrankColumbia University
    Marin van HeelCNPEM/LNNano
    Ayelet HeimowitzPrinceton University
    Richard HendersonCambridge University
    Gabor HermanCity University of New York
    Roy LedermanYale University
    Erik LindahlStockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology
    Joe KileelPrinceton University
    Ali PunjaniUniversity of Toronto
    Jasenko ZivanovCambridge University


    August 8, 2019

  • August 9, 2019

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