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First Stars VII in NYC


  • The “First Stars” conference series has brought together astronomers and astrophysicists working on the high-redshift universe roughly every four years since 2007. The seventh edition, First Stars VII, will be hosted in New York City by the Flatiron Institute 20-23 May 2024.  The meeting will feature invited review talks, contributed talks and posters and will leave ample time for discussion. The scientific program will balance theory, observations, and numerical simulations.

    Given the recent and emerging data from JWST and several other facilities, as well as major theoretical advances, First Stars VII will be especially timely, and we expect it to have a large impact on the field of high-redshift astrophysics and cosmology for years to come.  The conference will cover the following topics:

    (i) The abundance, properties, and fate of Population III stars, with a connection to near-field probes
    (ii) The nature of the first galaxies
    (iii) Pathways for massive black hole formation and growth and the first quasars
    (iv) Reionization and heating of the early intergalactic medium (IGM)
    (v) Chemical enrichment inside and outside galaxies
    (vi) Gravitational waves as a window to high redshift
    (vii) Connecting the high- and low-redshift universe
    (viii) Outlook for First Stars VIII.

    We expect observational probes to feature unusually heavily at the meeting, given data from several ground-breaking facilities.

  • The Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC) will ensure that the conference is scientifically excellent, as well as inclusive and welcoming to all participants.

    Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC):
    Laura Blecha (University of Florida)
    Sarah Bosman (MPIA)
    Greg Bryan (Columbia University)
    Christina Eilers (MIT)
    Pratika Dayal (University of Groningen)
    Anastasia Fialkov (Cambridge University)
    Steven Finkelstein (UT Austin)
    Anna Frebel (MIT)
    Zoltan Haiman, chair (Columbia University)
    Takashi Hosokawa (Kyoto University)
    Kohei Inayoshi (Peking University)
    Charlotte Mason (NBIA Copenhagen)
    Melissa Ness (Columbia University)
    Alberto Sesana (University of Milan)
    Rachel Somerville  (Flatiron Institute)
    John Wise (Georgia Tech)

    Local Organizing Committee (LOC):
    Greg Bryan  (Columbia University)
    Zoltan Haiman  (Columbia University)
    Melissa Ness (Columbia University)
    Rachel Somerville (Flatiron Institute)

  • I.     1999 MPA Garching
    II.    2003 Penn State (
    III.   2007 Santa Fe (
    IV.   2012 Kyoto (
    V.    2016 Heidelberg  (
    VI.   2020 Concepcion (
    VII.  2024 New York

  • 8:00am-8:45am: Breakfast
    8:45am-9:00am: Event Logistics

    Session: The nature of the first galaxies
    (Chair: Steven Finkelstein)

    9:00am-9:30am: Yuichi Harikane – Nature of the first galaxies
    9:30am-11:30am: Contributed Talks

    • Avishai Dekel – Formation of the first galaxies by feedback-free starbursts
    • Elijah Visbal – Semi-analytic Models of the First Stars and Galaxies Calibrated with Hydrodynamical Cosmological Simulations
    • Laura Sommovigo – (One of )The sorrows of Ancient Galaxies: modeling dust

    10:15am-10:45am: AM Coffee Break

    • Lily Whitler – Implications for early star formation and ionized bubble growth from the JADES UV luminosity function at z~9-15
    • Alessandra Venditti – A needle in a haystack? Catching Pop III stars in the Epoch of Reionization
    • Seiji Fujimoto – Early Galaxy Assembly Probed by IFU Trio of JWST+ALMA+MUSE: From Young Star Clusters to Dynamical Interplay at z=6

    11:30am-12:00pm: Lightning Talks

    • Claire Williams – Lighting up faint galaxies at high redshift through the stream velocity
    • Derek McLeod – A census of z>10 galaxies from a suite of JWST ERO, ERS and Cycle-1 programs
    • Piyush Sharda – Population III IMF from radiation-chemo-magnetohydrodynamics simulations
    • Thomas Harvey – Massive Mysteries: Investigating stellar mass variation at high redshift using PEARLS, CEERS and JADES
    • Mabel Stephenson – Electron Densities in the First Galaxies: Understanding the Conditions of Early Star Formation

    12:00pm-1:30pm: Lunch

    Session: Chemical enrichment inside and outside galaxies
    (Chair: Anastasia Fialkov)

    1:30pm-2:00pm: Valentina D’Odorico – High-redshift metal enrichment with quasar absorption lines
    2:00pm-2:45pm: Contributed Talks

    • Allison Strom – Studying Metal-poor Stellar Populations in High-redshift Galaxies with JWST and Keck
    • Ása Skúladóttir – Signatures of a Zero-Metallicity Hypernovae
    • Devesh Nandal – Deciphering the chemical footprint of massive and supermassive Pop III stars in the early Universe

    2:45pm-3:15pm: PM Coffee Break
    3:15pm-3:45pm: E-Posters
    3:45pm-4:30pm: Contributed Talks (continued)

    • Jianghao Huyan – The evolution of metals in the cosmic dawn
    • Kaley Brauer – Simulating Early Chemical Enrichment and Formation of the First Galaxies
    • Xihan Ji – The exotic nebular emission in GN-z11: Evidence of peculiar chemical enrichment in the most distant AGN *REMOTE*

    4:30pm-5:00pm: Lightning Talks

    • Akshara Viswanathan – Galactic archaeology of the old Milky Way using the most metal-poor stars
    • Martina Rossi – Ultra Faint Dwarf (UDF) Chronicles: Uncovering  Pop III star descendants
    • Thomas Stanton – Enhanced O/Fe ratios in star-forming galaxies at cosmic noon
    • Sultan Hassan – PRFM: A plausible candidate to explain the abundance of high-z galaxies observed by JWST
    • Jennifer Mead – First Steps of Chemical Evolution in the First Galaxies

    5:00pm-6:30pm: Reception
    Location: 162 Rooftop (note building change)

  • 8:00am-9:00am: Breakfast

    The nature of the first galaxies – insights from JWST
    (Chair: Rachel Somerville)

    9:00am-9:30am: Kohei Inayoshi – The Age of Discovery with JWST: Excavating the First Massive Black Holes and First Galaxies
    9:30am-11:30am: Contributed Talks

    • Anna de Graaff – RUBIES: a complete census of the rare, extreme and red early Universe with JWST/NIRSpec
    • Christina Eilers – The clustering of luminous quasars at z~6
    • Fergus Cullen – Evidence for the emergence of dust-free galaxies at z > 10

    10:15am-10:45am: AM Coffee Break

    • Hakim Atek – Unveiling the faintest and the brightest galaxies across 6<z<15 with JWST
    • Rebecca Larson – CEERS Spectroscopic Characterization of Galaxies and AGN in the Heart of Reionization
    • Volker Bromm – Lessons for First Star Formation from Early JWST Observations

    11:30am-12:00pm: Lightning Talks

    • Hiroya Umeda – JWST Constraints on the Key Cosmic Reionization Parameters with Lyα Damping Wing Absorptions of Galaxies at z=7-12
    • Katherine Chworowsky – Evidence for a Shallow Evolution in the Volume Densities of Massive Galaxies at z=4 to 8 from CEERS
    • Casey Papovich – Evidence for extreme and busty star formation in galaxies in the epoch of reionization with JWST
    • Fabio Pacucci – Breaking Cosmic Scales: JWST’s Discovery of Unexpectedly Massive Black Holes
    • Ken Nagamine – Anomalous abundance ratios and the top-heavy IMF in the first galaxies

    12:00pm-1:30pm: Lunch

    Massive black hole formation and the emergence of the first quasars
    (Chair: Takashi Hosokawa)

    1:30pm-2:00pm: Kelly-Holley Bockelmann – Gravitational waves as a window to high redshift
    2:00pm-2:45pm: Contributed Talks

    • Shingo Hirano – Formation efficiency of the first stars in the first galaxies
    • Daniel Whalen – The Turbulent Origins of the First Quasars
    • Elia Pizzati – High-z black holes in extreme environments: interpreting quasar clustering measurements with large-volume cosmological simulations

    2:45pm-3:15pm: PM Coffee Break
    3:15pm-3:45pm: E-Posters
    3:45pm-4:30pm: Contributed Talks (continued)

    • Sunmyon Chon – Radiation Hydrodynamic Simulations of Supermassive Star Formation by Super-competitive Accretion
    • Phoebe Rae Upton Sanderbeck – The impact of reionization on supermassive black hole growth
    • Alice Young – Constraining super massive black hole seeding mechanisms using photometric variability at early times

    4:30pm-5:00pm: Lightning Talks

    • Benedetta Mestichelli – Binary black hole mergers in Population III star clusters
    • Haojie Hu – Outflow Regulated Supercritical Growth of Seed BHs at Cosmic Dawn during early bulge formation
    • Matthew Scoggins – Diagnosing the massive-seed pathway to high-redshift black holes: statistics of the evolving black hole to host galaxy mass ratio
    • Vanesa Díaz – Magnetic field amplification in massive primordial halos: Influence of Lyman-Werner radiation
    • Alessandro Trinca – Light and Sound from the Cosmic Dawn: unveiling the growth of the first massive black holes
  • 8:00am-9:00am: Breakfast

    Population III stars and their connection to near-field probes
    (Chair: Kohei Inayoshi)

    9:00am-9:30am: Anna Frebel – Population III stars: abundance, properties, fate, and connection to near-field probes

    9:30am-11:30am: Contributed Talks

    • Anastasia Fialkov – Constraining Pop III stars with the hydrogen 21-cm signal
    • Dan Coe – Approaching the First Stars with JWST and Gravitational Lensing
    • James Trussler – Searching for Population III and nebular-dominated galaxies with JWST: Signatures of a top-heavy IMF in the early Universe

    10:15am-10:45am: AM Coffee Break

    • Grace Telford – Extremely Metal-Poor O Stars in Nearby Galaxies as Analogs of Ionizing Photon Producers in the Early Universe
    • Stefania Salvadori – Near to Far-Field constraints on the first stars’ mass distribution
    • Takashi Hosokawa – Pop III (Supermassive) Star Formation with the First Emergence of Cold Accretion

    11:30am-12:00pm: Lightning Talks

    • Hiroki Kawashimo – Unraveling the role of 12C(α,γ)16O rate for radioactive nickel synthesis in pair-instability supernovae
    • Kenji Eric Sadanari – Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the first star formation: the effect of turbulent magnetic fields
    • Romain Lucchesi – Metal-poor stars in dwarf galaxies
    • Mihir Kulkarni – Role of the halo accretion history in the formation of Population III stars
    • Irene Vanni – First stars’ chemical fingerprints inside and outside galaxies

    12:00pm-1:30pm: Lunch

    Reionization and heating of the intergalactic medium
    (Chair: Christina Eilers)

    1:30pm-2:00pm: George Becker – Constraints on Reionization from Quasars and Galaxies
    2:00pm-2:45pm: Contributed Talks

    • Alberto Saldana-Lopez – The Lyman-alpha and Continuum Origins Survey (LaCOS)
    • Andrei Mesinger – Is the timing of reionization a solved problem?
    • Emma Ryan-Weber – Reionization of the high-z CGM

    2:45pm-3:15pm: PM Coffee Break
    3:15pm-3:45pm: E-Posters
    3:45pm-4:30pm: Contributed Talks (continued)

    • Kai-Feng Chen – Mapping Cosmic Dawn with HERA: Improved Constraints on IGM Heating and the First X-ray Sources
    • Hanjue Zhu – Probing the IGM-Galaxy Connection through Lyα Transmission during the EoR
    • Xiangyu Jin – Probing the connection between IGM transmission and galaxies during cosmic reionization

    4:30pm-5:00pm: Lightning Talks

    • Paul Shapiro – New Results from The Cosmic Dawn (“CoDa”) Project: Simulating Reionization and Galaxy Formation
    • Joohyun Lee – The Inhomogeneous Rise of Metallicity During the Epoch of Reionization
    • Dominika Durovcikova – Chronicling the reionization history with 6 < z < 7 quasars
    • Mesut Çalışkan – Reconstructing patchy helium reionization using the cosmic microwave background and large scale structure
    • Rennan Barkana – 21-cm cosmology of the epoch of reionization, cosmic dawn, and the dark ages
  • 8:00am-9:00am: Breakfast

    Connecting the high- and low-redshift universe
    (Chair: Anna Frebel)

    9:00am-9:30am: Jenny Greene – Connecting the high- and low-redshift universe
    9:30am-11:30am: Contributed Talks

    • Louise Welsh – Near-pristine DLAs and their chemistry
    • Kumail Zaidi – The stellar-to-halo mass relationship in the UDS and COSMOS fields out to z~5.
    • Myoungwon Jeon – The Impact of Patchy Reionization on Ultrafaint Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Group

    10:15am-10:45am: AM Coffee Break

    • (WITHDREW) Pratik Gandhi – Near-far connection: insights into reionisation-era faint galaxies from the Local Group fossil record
    • Renjing Xie – Uncovering the origin of Galactic ancient accretion relics
    • Xiaowei Ou – Signatures of tidal disruption in the Hercules ultra-faint dwarf galaxy

    11:30am-12:00pm: Lightning Talks

    • Ani Chiti – Signatures of Extragalactic First Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud
    • (WITHDREW) Britton Smith – The Critical Metallicity and the Milky Way
    • Daisy Bissonette – The Metallicity Distribution of the Primitive Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Segue 1
    • Maddie Lucey – Constraining First Star Nucleosynthesis and the Early Universe with the Inner Milky Way
    • Tim Beers – Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars as Tracers of the First Generation of Stars in the Universe

    12:00pm-1:30pm: Lunch

    The future – outlook for First Stars VIII
    (Chair: Laura Blecha)

    1:30pm-2:00pm: Rebecca Bernstein – Capabilities and Status of the ELTs
    2:00pm-2:45pm: Contributed Talks

    • Andy Bunker – Probing the first galaxies with JWST
    • Kimi Kreilgaard – Inferring the distribution of the ionizing photon escape fraction and first results from the JWST BEACON survey
    • Maximilien Franco – An unprecedented view of galaxies during the EoR with COSMOS-Web

    2:45pm-3:15pm: PM Coffee Break
    3:15pm-3:45pm: E-Posters
    3:45pm-4:30pm: Contributed Talks (continued)

    • Nozomu Tominaga – Narrow-band metal-poor star surveys with Subaru/Hyper Suprime Cam and Tomo-e Gozen Camera
    • Hannah Übler – Massive black holes during the first billion years with JWST and future prospects
    • Wei Leong – Roman+Rubin prediction for the first quasars

    4:30-5:00pm – Lightning Talks

    • David Robinson – Exploring the Dependence of Gas Cooling and Heating Functions on the Incident Radiation Field with Machine Learning
    • Jo Verwohlt – Separating Dark Acoustic Oscillations from astrophysics in the first galaxies
    • Sahil Hegde – A semi-analytic model for Pop III star formation
    • Mitchell Karmen – A new window into the first black holes with JWST observations of high-redshift TDEs
    • Sanjana Curtis – Spectacular nucleosynthesis from early massive stars
  • Link to Meeting Abstracts (Google Doc)

    Link to Meeting Slides (Dropbox)

    Speakers can elect to remove their presentation at any time. Please contact Abigail Creem <> to remove. Any speaker that requested not to be recorded, have also had their slides removed.

  • In Person

    Akshara Viswanathan (Kapteyn Institute, University of Groningen)Kimi Kreilgaard (Cosmic Dawn Center, NBI, University of Copenhagen)
    Alberto Saldana-Lopez (Stockholm University)Kohei Inayoshi (Peking University)
    Alessandra Venditti (Sapienza University of Rome)Laura Blecha (University of Florida)
    Alessandro Trinca (INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Rome)Laura Sommovigo (Flatiron Institute)
    Alexa Morales (UT Austin)Lily Whitler (University of Arizona)
    Alice Luna (University of Chicago)L. Y. Aaron Yung (Space Telescope Science Institute)
    Alice Young (Stockholm University)Louise Welsh (INAF Trieste)
    Allison Strom (Northwestern University)Luz Ángela (Universidad ECCI)
    Amiel Sternberg (CCA)Mabel Stephenson (University of Texas at Austin)
    Anastasia Fialkov (IoA, Cambridge University)Maddie Lucey (University of Pennsylvania)
    Andrei Mesinger (Scuola Normale Superiore)Madhurima Choudhury (Brown University)
    Andy Bunker (University of Oxford)Mana Ito (Tohoku University)
    Ani Chiti (University of Chicago)Mark Dickinson (NSF's NOIRLab)
    Ankita Bera (University of Maryland)Marty Rossi (INAF Bologna)
    Anna de Graaff (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy)Matthew Scoggins (Columbia University)
    Anna Frebel (MIT)Maximilien Franco (The University of Texas at Austin)
    Christina Eilers (MIT)Meredith Neyer (MIT)
    Anniek Gloudemans (NOIRLab / Gemini Observatory)Mesut Caliskan (Johns Hopkins University)
    Ása Skúladóttir (University of Florence, Italy)Mihir Kulkarni (University of Toledo)
    Avishai Dekel (The Hebrew University)Minghao Yue (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    Benedetta Mestichelli (Gran Sasso Science Institute)Minsung Ko (Graduate Student, School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University)
    Ben Lowe (The Australian National University)Mitchell Karmen (Johns Hopkins University)
    Beryl Hovis-Afflerbach (Northwestern University)Mordecai-Mark Mac Low (American Museum of Natural History)
    Boyuan Liu (Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge)Kumail Zaidi (Tufts University)
    Britton Smith (University of Edinburgh)Myoungwon Jeon (Kyung Hee University)
    Callum Donnan (University of Edinburgh)Nash Sabti (Johns Hopkins University)
    Casey Papovich (Texas A&M University)Neha Anil Kumar (Johns Hopkins University)
    Chris Lovell (University of Portsmouth)Nicole Lloyd-Ronning (Los Alamos National Lab)
    Claire Williams (UCLA)Nozomu Tominaga (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
    Daisy Bissonette (University of Chicago)Grace Telford (Princeton University)
    Dan Coe (Space Telescope Science Institute)Paolo Molaro (INAF-OATs)
    Daniel Whalen (ICG, Portsmouth)Paul Shapiro (The University of Texas at Austin)
    David Robinson (University of Michigan)Phoebe R. Upton Sanderbeck (Los Alamos National Lab)
    Derek Johannes McLeod (University of Edinburgh)Piyush Sharda (Leiden University)
    Devesh Nandal (University of Geneva)Pratik Gandhi (UC Davis)
    Dominika Durovcikova (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Qianfan Xing (National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    Dyna Ibrahim (University of Hertfordshire)rachel somerville (CCA)
    Elia Pizzati (Leidn Observatory)Rafeel Riaz (Centro de Investigación en Astronomía, Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins)
    Eli Visbal (University of Toledo)Raghunath Ghara (Haverford College)
    Elka Rusta (Università degli Studi di Firenze)Rebecca Bernstein (Carnegie Observatories)
    Emma Chapman (University of Nottingham)Rebecca Larson (The Rochester Institute of Technology)
    Emma Ryan-Weber (Swinburne)Renjing Xie (National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    Eric Andersson (American Museum of Natural History)Rennan Barkana (Tel Aviv University)
    Ezra Huscher (New Mexico State University)Romain Lucchesi (University of Florence)
    Fabio Pacucci (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)Sahil Hegde (UCLA)
    Feng Qikang (Peking University)Saiyang Zhang (University of Texas, Austin)
    Fergus Cullen (University of Edinburgh)Samantha Hardin (Georgia Tech)
    George Becker (University of California, Riverside)Samir Kusmic (New Mexico State University)
    Greg Bryan (Columbia University)Sam Patrick (Edinburgh University)
    Guilherme Limberg (Universidade de São Paulo)Sanjana Curtis (UC Berkeley)
    Haining Li (National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)Sarah Bosman (University of Heidelberg)
    Hakim Atek (Institut d'astrophysique de Paris)Seiji Fujimoto (UT Austin)
    Hanjue Zhu (University of Chicago)Selim Hotinli (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
    Hannah Übler (Kavli Institute for Cosmology, University of Cambridge, UK)Shingo Hirano (Kanagawa University)
    Haojie Hu (KIAA/DoA, Peking University)Shivani Shah (University of Florida)
    Thomas Stanton (University of Edinburgh)Simon Glover (Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Heidelberg)
    Hector Afonso Cruz (Johns Hopkins University)Snigdaa Sethuram (Georgia Tech)
    Hiroki Kawashimo (The University of Tokyo)Stefania Salvadori (Florence University)
    Hiroko Okada (University of Hyogo)Steven Finkelstein (UT Austin)
    Hiroya Umeda (The University of Tokyo)Sultan Hassan (NYU)
    Huawei Zhang (Department of Astronomy, Peking University)Sunmyon Chon (MPA)
    Huiling Chen (Peking University, PhD)Jeong (Kyung Hee University)
    Ioanna Koutsouridou (University of Florence)Takashi Hosokawa (Kyoto University)
    Irene Vanni (University of Florence)Takashi Moriya (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
    Isaac Laseter (The University of Wisconsin - Madison and JADES)Tom Harvey (University of Manchester)
    Itsuki Ogami (SOKENDAI/NAOJ)Thomas Nordlander (Australian National University)
    Jackie Hewitt (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Timothy Beers (University of Notre Dame)
    James Trussler (University of Manchester)Tomoya Suzuguchi (Kyoto University)
    James Gurian (Perimeter Institute)Valentina D'Odorico (INAF - Trieste Astronomical Observatory)
    James Sullivan (Columbia University)Vanesa Diaz (Universität Hamburg)
    Jarrett Johnson (Los Alamos National Laboratory)Vasily Kokorev (UT Austin)
    Jenna Samuel (The University of Texas at Austin)Vasilii Pustovoit (Canadian Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA)/University of Toronto)
    Jen Feron (University of Nottingham)Volker Bromm (University of Texas at Austin)
    Jennifer Mead (Columbia University)Wei Leong (University of Arizona)
    Jenny Greene (Princeton University)Wenzer Qin (MIT)
    Jianghao Huyan (University of South Carolina)Xiangyu Jin (The University of Arizona)
    Jo Verwohlt (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen)Xiaojing Lin (Steward Observatory)
    Kelly Holley-Bockelmann (Vanderbilt University and Fisk University)Xiaowei Ou (MIT)
    John Wise (Georgia Tech)Xihan Ji (University of Cambridge)
    Joohyun Lee (UT Austin)Yang Huang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    Kai-Feng Chen (MIT)Tiger Hsiao (JHU)
    Kaley Brauer (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)Yuichi Harikane (University of Tokyo)
    Katherine Chworowsky (University of Texas at Austin)Zhaozhou Li (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
    Kazutaka Kimura (Tohoku University)Zoltan Haiman (Columbia University)
    Kazu Omukai (Tohoku University)
    Kenji Eric Sadanari (Tohoku University)
    Ken Nagamine (Osaka University)


    Alessandro Lupi (University of Insubria)Nanoom Lee (New York University)
    Alexander Ji (University of Chicago)Nick Kern (MIT)
    Anke Ardern-Arentsen (Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge)Nick Gnedin (Fermilab)
    Balu Sreedhar (University of Melbourne)Paulo Solar (Hamburg University)
    Charlotte Ann Mason (DAWN)Pratika Dayal (University of Groningen)
    Daisuke Toyouchi (Osaka university)Qin Han (University College London)
    Evan Kirby (University of Notre Dame)Rosie Wyse (Johns Hopkins University)
    Floriane Leclercq (UT Austin)Sabrina Berger (University of Melbourne)
    Francesco D'Eugenio (University of Cambridge)Sandro Tacchella (University of Cambridge)
    Harley Katz (University of Oxford / University of Chicago)Hyung (Kyung Hee University)
    Hy Trac (Carnegie Mellon University)Shivan Khullar (University of Toronto)
    Hyunbae Park (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)Silvia Bonoli (DIPC)
    Irene Valderrama (DIPC)Timo Kist (Leiden Observatory)
    Felix Mirabel (iAFE-UBA-Argentina)Tomáš Šoltinský (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
    Koki Kakiichi (Cosmic Dawn Center, University of Copenhagen)Vivienne Langen (CNRS / L2IT, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier)
    Marco Dall'Amico (University of Padova)Wenxiu Li (KIAA, Peking University)
    Martin Sahlén (Uppsala University)Zuyi Chen (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona)
    Molly Wolfson (UCSB)


    May 20, 2024

  • May 21, 2024

  • May 22, 2024

  • May 23, 2024

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