Diagrammatic Monte Carlo Workshop

  • Organized by
  • Portrait photo of Antoine GeorgesAntoine Georges, Ph.D.Director, Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute
Date & Time

  • Xi ChenCCQ
    Michel FerreroEcole Polytechnique
    Antoine GeorgesCCQ
    Kris van Houcke Ecole Normale Paris
    Evgeny KozikKings College London
    Jia LiUniversity of Michigan
    Alice MoutenetEcole Polytechnique
    Olivier ParcolletParis-Saclay
    Tobias PfefferTobias Pfeffer
    Lode PollettLMU Munich
    Nikolai Prokof’evU. Mass. Amherst
    Riccardo RossiCollege de France
    Hao ShiCCQ
    Boris SvistunovU Mass Amherst
    Fedor SimkovicKing's College London
    Igor TupitsynU Mass Amherst
    Xavier WaintalGrenoble
    Markus WallerbergerMarkus Wallerberger
    Nils WentzelEcole Polytechnique
    Felix WernerEcole Normale Paris
  • Monday, June 26

    8:30 AMBreakfast
    9:30 AMAntoine GeorgesWelcome and Introduction
    9:45 AMNikolai Prokof'evElectron Gas
    10:30 AMFelix WernerControlled summation of diagrammatic series for the unitary Fermi gas
    11:15 AMBreak
    11:45 AMRiccardo RossiConnected determinant diagrammatic MC
    12:30 PMLunch, discussion and posters
    2:30 PMMichel FerreroAlpha-Shift and Pseudogap
    3:15 PMXavier WaintalDeterminantal algorithms for nonequilibrium: Is 2^n complexity a high price?
    4:00 PMPosters and discussion
    6:30 PMDinner

    Tuesday, June 27

    8:30 AMBreakfast
    9:00 AMLode PolletStochastic Root-Finding and the Schwinger-Dyson Equation
    9:45 AMEvgeny KozikDual Fermions
    10:30 AMBreak
    11:00 AMIgor TupitsynStability of Dirac liquids
    11:45 AMBoris SvistunovConclusions and prospects
    12:30 PMLunch
    1:30 PMDiscussion and departure
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