Iulia Georgescu: How It’s Made: Reviews (and some potentially useful tips)plus--large
Tibor Rakovszky: Dissipation Assisted Approach to the Classical Simulation of Quantum Transportplus--large
Roger Mong: Quantum Dynamics of Thermalizing Systems (in one-dimensions)plus--large
Zala Lenarčič: Diagnosing Perturbed Integrable Modelsplus--large
Luca Tagliacozzo: Entanglement and Coherence Out of Equilibriumplus--large
Garnet Chan: Contracting Higher Dimensional TNsplus--large
Andreas Läuchli: Scaling in Tensor Networks in 1D and 2D: Finite Bond Dimension, Relevant Perturbations and Aim for High Precisionplus--large
Mike Zaletel: Some Progress on2D Isometric Tensor Networksplus--large
Kevin Slagle: Quantum Gauge Networks: A New Kind of Tensor Networkplus--large
Marko Žnidarič: Relaxation in Local Many-Body Floquet Systemsplus--large
Group Discussionplus--large
Stefanos Kourtis: Qubit Vitrification and Entanglement Critically on a Quantum Simulatorplus--large
Ruben Verresen: Long-Range Entanglement nad Topological Order from Measurement and Feed-Forwardplus--large
Norbert Schuch: Identification and Characterization of Topological Order Using Tensor Networksplus--large
Jutho Haegeman: Finite Entanglement Scaling for 2D Metalsplus--large
Carolin Wille: Dualities from Matchgate Tensor Networksplus--large
Dmitry Savostyanov: Tensor Product Algorithms for High-Dimensional Integrationplus--large
Olivier Parcollet: Learning Feynman Diagrams with Tensor Trainsplus--large
Dieter Jaksch: Tensor Networks for Computational Fluid Dynamicsplus--large
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