Funding Opportunities
Important Dates
Simons Foundation Autism & Neuroscience Conferences and Courses Awards
Opportunity The Autism & Neuroscience division at the Simons Foundation is accepting applications for funding of courses or conferences. This… Read More
Shenoy Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Neuroscience (SURFiN)
The goal of the Simons Foundation’s Shenoy Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Neuroscience (SURFiN) program is to spark and sustain interest in neuroscience among undergraduate students from diverse and/or historically underrepresented backgrounds in science. SURFiN provides funds for paid research assistantships for undergraduate students living near participating laboratories in the U.S., Canada, and Europe that are…
Fellows-to-Faculty Award
In order to advance the frontiers of research in science, the Simons Foundation’s Autism & Neuroscience division recognizes the need for diverse ideas and perspectives that contribute to the scientific enterprise. We offer the Fellows-to-Faculty Award program to identify scientists with extraordinary potential to advance our scientific areas of interest and nurture greater diversity in…
Simons Foundation Neuroscience Collaborations Courses and Conferences Awards
The Neuroscience Collaborations at the Simons Foundation are accepting applications for funding of courses or conferences in fundamental neuroscience. Courses and conferences that align with the scientific missions of our programs, the Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain (SCGB), with a focus on the fields of systems and computational neuroscience, and/or the Simons Collaboration on…
SCPAB Transition to Independence Award
The Simons Collaboration on Plasticity and the Aging Brain (SCPAB) Transition to Independence Award aims to facilitate the transition of the next generation of outstanding scientists from historically underrepresented groups to research independence in the field of cognitive aging.
SCPAB Research Awards – 2020 Extension RFA
This RFA is by invitation only. We are soliciting progress reports and proposals for two years of further funding to expand and develop previously funded SCPAB Awards. These proposals should build on ideas generated in the first three years of SCPAB award funding.