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CCA Colloquium

Select Fridays From 3:00pm to 4:00pm in the 5th floor classroom, followed by a reception outside the 5th-floor conference room from 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Spring 2025 Schedule

January 31, 2025Ben KellerIs anything true, or is everything permitted (galactically speaking)?
February 7, 2025Monica ValluriTwo new ways to probe the nature of dark matter with tidal streams
February 14, 2025Itai LinialDynamics and Energetic Transients in Galactic Nuclei
February 21, 2025Ke ZhangGas Evolution in Protoplanetary Disks
March 7, 2025Elisabeth KrauseMore Accurate Together: Opportunities in Multi-Survey Cosmology
March 14, 2025Norman MurrayContinuum Driven Active Galactic Nuclei Winds
March 21, 2025Joshua SpeagleTBD
May 2, 2025Stella OffnerTBD
May 16, 2025Nadejda Blagorodnova MujortovaTBD
May 30, 2025Hannah Diamond-LoweTBD
June 6, 2025Sarah WellonsTBD
June 20, 2025Eric AgolTBD
June 27, 2025Tracy SlatyerTBD

Past CCA Colloquium Schedules

  • DateSpeakerTitle
    September 13, 2024Janice LeeNew Views of Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies with ~100,000 Star Clusters and Associations from PHANGS HST & JWST
    September 20, 2024Neal WeinerSearching for New Physics in the Desert
    September 27, 2024Keri HoadleyHidden in Plain Sight: How an unexpected ultraviolet discovery led to the reveal of a unique astrophysical laboratory
    October 4, 2024Phil HopkinsConnecting Stars, Galaxies, and Supermassive Black Holes from AU to Megaparsecs
    October 18, 2024Dylan NelsonResolving the physics of multi-scale gaseous halos
    October 25, 2024Tony MezzacappaThe Era of Precision Core Collapse Supernova Modeling
    November 1, 2024Tjitske StarkenburgUnraveling hierarchical galaxy formation: the potential from galaxy stellar halos beyond Milky Way
    November 8, 2024Anthony PullenLarge-Scale Structure Inference with Line Intensity Mapping
    November 22, 2024Vicky KalogeraLow-Mass Black Holes: Out there or Not?
  • DateSpeakerTitle
    January 12, 2024Thebe MedupeAfrican Astronomy in the last 400 years
    January 19, 2024Pre Doc Symposium - Special SeminarFrom 2:00pm to 4:20pm in the Ingrid Daubechies Auditorium, followed by a reception on the promenade from 4:00pm - 5:30pm
    January 26, 2024Chris FragileThe Luminous, Hard State Can't Be MAD
    February 2, 2024Jessie ChristiansenFrom Kepler to the Habitable Worlds Observatory: The Emerging Picture of Planet Populations
    February 9, 2024Drummond Fielding (Job Talk)From Micro to Macro: Connecting the Physics of Galaxy Formation Across Scales
    February 23, 2024Kishalay De (Job Talk)Uncovering dust enshrouded cataclysms toward a census of stellar and black hole evolution
    March 8, 2024Alexandra AmonWeak lensing with a billion galaxies: new opportunities, challenges and strategies
    March 22, 2024Emma BeasorThe evolution of red supergiants to supernova
    March 29, 2024Maya FishbachAstrophysical Lessons from LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA's Black Holes
    April 5, 2024Zhaohuan ZhuMagnetospheric Accretion and Companion-disk Interaction
    April 12, 2024Meridith JoyceStellar Evolution in Real Time: Unlocking the Mysteries of Evolved Variable Stars from Dying Suns to Betelgeuse
    April 26, 2024Megan BedellThe Search for Other Earths
    May 3, 2024Johanna TeskeReality Check: The Perils and Promise of Observations to Characterize Small Exoplanets
    May 10, 2024Cora DvorkinThe Universe as a Lab for Fundamental Physics
    May 17, 2024Nick ScovilleCosmic Evolution of Star formation and Gas in Galaxies
    May 31, 2024Anna RosenGone With the Wind: Assessing the Impact of Stellar Wind Feedback in Massive Star Formation
    June 7 2024Priya NatarajanNew Windows into Supermassive Black Holes in the Universe
    June 14 2024Volker SpringelSupercomputer Simulations of the Universe
    June 21 2024Pre Doc Symposium - Special SeminarFrom 2:30pm to 4:15pm in the Ingrid Daubechies Auditorium, followed by a reception on the promenade from 4:15pm - 5:45pm
  • DateSpeakerTitle
    September 8, 2023Erica June NelsonThe remarkable power of JWST to revolutionize our understanding of galaxy formation
    September 15, 2023Laura SalesBaryonic solutions and challenges for cosmological models of dwarf galaxies
    September 22, 2023Gregory G. HowesDeveloping Predictive Models of Turbulent Heating in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
    October 6, 2023Lia Corrales## From dust to life: The cosmic journey of the elements
    October 13, 2023Jorge MorenoCollective astronomy: lessons from extreme galaxy encounters
    October 27, 2023Eliot QuataertWhat Happens When a Massive Star Fails (Sort of) to Explode?
    November 17, 2023Anna WattsMapping neutron stars with NICER
    December 1, 2023Meredith MacGregorHow to Form a Habitable Planet
    December 8, 2023Raffaella MarguttiMining the transient sky in the new era of Time Domain Multi-Messenger investigations
  • DateSpeakerTitle
    February 3, 2023Eiichiro KomatsuThe Temperature of Hot Gas in the Universe
    February 10, 2023Megan Bedell and Daniel Foreman-MackeyColloquium event: CCA wiki edit-a-thon
    February 17, 2023Laura LopezThe Importance and Challenges of Assessing Stellar Feedback
    February 24, 2023Wladimir LyraDynamical Instabilities in the Aid of Planet Formation in Circumstellar Disks
    March 10, 2023Keaton BellAn Astrometric and Asteroseismic Synergy for Fundamental White Dwarf Properties
    March 17, 2023Viviana AcquavivaMachine Learning with pen and paper
    March 24, 2023Adam KowalskiSolar Flare Observations and Model Predictions for the Next Solar Magnetic Activity Maximum
    March 31, 2023Sarah Burke SpolaorHunting for the Biggest Binary Black Holes
    April 14, 2023Pedro EspinoConstraining high-density deconfinement phase transitions with gravitational wave spectroscopy of binary neutron star mergers
    April 21, 2023Kaitlin KratterThe origins of planets and the stars they orbit.
    April 28, 2023Ylva GotbergThe discovery and properties of binary-stripped helium stars
    May 5, 2023Charlie ConroyAssembling our Galaxy
    May 19, 2023Evan SchneiderGalaxy Simulations in the Era of Exascale
  • DateSpeakerTitle
    September 16 ,2022Jamie TayarThe Evolution of Stellar Rotation: Alone and Together, Inside and Out
    September 23 ,2022Mariangela LisantiGalactic Probes of Fundamental Dark Matter Physics
    October 14, 2022Cassandra HallProtoplanetary accretion discs, planet formation, and gravitational instability
    October 21, 2022Daniel Foreman-MackeyIntroduction to Gaussian Processes for Astronomy
    November 4, 2022Anastasios FragkosUnravelling the astrophysical origin of gravitational-wave sources
    December 2, 2022Xavier ProchaskaProbing the Universe with Fast Radio Bursts
    December 15, 2022Kate DanielResonant Evolution: The internal dynamical history of the Milky Way
  • DateSpeakerTitle
    February 25,2022Ashley VillarTime-domain Astrophysics in the Era of Big Data
    March 4,2022Alice QuillenSoft Astronomy
    March 18,2022Marc KamionkowskiForays with a Formidable Formalism: Total Angular Momentum Waves, Cosmological Perturbations, and Gravitational Waves
    March 25,2022Jillian BellovarySeeking Massive Black Holes in Dwarf Galaxies
    April 8,2022Keith HawkinsGalactic Archaeology Across the Milky Way
    April 15,2022Alexander JiDwarf Galaxy Archaeology in the Gaia Era
    April 29,2022Carl FieldsNext-Generation Simulations of The Remarkable Deaths of Massive Stars
    May 6,2022Dan KasenSignals from Black Hole + Neutron Star Mergers
    May 20,2022Erika HamdenExploring the Diffuse Universe in the Space Ultraviolet
    May 26,2022Risa WechslerOur Galaxy in Context: Clues to the nature of dark matter, the onset of galaxy formation, and the assembly history of the Milky Way.
    June 23,2022Hiranya PeirisProspects for understanding the physics of the Universe
  • Date SpeakerTitle
    September 10, 2021Joel PrimackNew Challenges in Cosmology, Galaxy Formation, and Planet Habitability
    September 17, 2021Jen van SadersMaking Sense of Stellar Rotation in Low Mass Stars
    September 24, 2021Kevin SchlaufmanExoplanet Host Star Age Inferences and Their Impacts on Models of Planet Formation and Evolution
    October 8, 2021Gelu NitaThe Generalized Spectral Kurtosis Estimator: A Review of Its Statistical Properties and Applications
    October 22, 2021Erin Kado-FongStructure, Feedback, and Formation: Dwarf galaxies in the Wide-Field Era
    October 27, 2021Bruce DraineA New Model for Interstellar Dust: “Astrodust” + PAHs
    November 3, 2021Saul TeukolskyThe Coming Revolution in Computational Astrophysics
    November 18, 2021Jo DunkleyThe Millimeter Sky from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope
    December 16, 2021Dan HuberThe Demographics of Stars and Exoplanets in the Era of TESS and Gaia
  • DateSpeakerTitle
    January 22, 2021Sarbani BasuThe Sun in Time and Other Mysteries
    January 29, 2021Mike BlantonGalaxies Near and Far with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
    February 5, 2021Nick BattagliaConstraining Galaxy Formation and Baryonic Effects on LSS with Observations of the Thermal and Kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effects
    February 12, 2021Andrei BeloborodovMagnetic power in the universe of bright transients
    March 12, 2021Barry McKernanDecoding Galactic Architects: What Can We Learn About AGN From The Things In Them?
    March 19, 2021David SchwabEntropic forces from noisy training in overparameterized neural networks
    March 26, 2021Lam HuiWave Dark Matter
    April 2, 2021Laura NewburghNew Probes of Old Structure: Cosmology with 21cm Intensity Mapping
    April 16, 2021Jeremy TinkerHow much control does dark matter have over galaxy formation?
    April 23, 2021Rachel Bean”Testing gravity with large scale structure”
    May 7, 2021Mary PutmanThe Local Gaseous Universe
    May 21, 2021Karin ÖbergAstrochemistry and the Compositions of Planets
  • DateSpeakerTitle
    September 18, 2020Marilena LoverdeMining The Cosmic Web
    September 25, 2020Stephon Alexander The Story of a Halo: Chern-Simons Theory, Cosmic Inflation and Dark Genesis
    October 9, 2020Johanna VosThe Story of a Halo: Chern-Simons Theory, Cosmic Inflation and Dark Genesis
    October 16, 2020Saavik FordAGN disks have things in them--and those things are important
    October 23, 2020Matias ZaldarriagaModeling the clustering of matter on large scales: progress and recent results
    October 30, 2020Sarah MillhollandTidal Sculpting of Short-Period Exoplanets
    November 6, 2020Andrei GruzinovNon-Gibbs Statistical Equilibrium of Star Clusters
    November 20, 2020Yacine Ali-HamoudInsights into searches for the nanohertz gravitational-wave background with a Fisher analysis
    December 11, 2020Racheal RoettenbacherMaking Use of Imaged Spotted Stellar Surfaces
    December 18, 2020Frans PretoriusNon-linear Black Hole Ringdown
  • DateSpeakerTitle
    January 31, 2020Gwen EadieAstrostatistics in the Era of Large Surveys: from the Milky Way to individual stars
    February 7, 2020Saurabh JhaWhite Dwarf Supernovae: Astrophysics and Cosmology
    February 21, 2020Matteo VielHydrogen as a Cosmological Probe
    March 13, 2020Mary Putman
    March 20, 2020Dan Huber
    March 27, 2020Bruce Draine
    April 3, 2020Risa Wechsler
    April 17, 2020Joel Primack
    April 24, 2020Samaya Nissanke
    May 1, 2020Jen van Saders
    May 8, 2020Janna Levin
    May 29, 2020Charlie Conroy
  • DateSpeakerTitle
    September 27, 2019Anthony PullenIntensity Mapping to probe the Interstellar Medium
    October 11, 2019Zoltain HiamFormation and Growth of Massive Black Holes
    October 18, 2019Jenny GreeneDwarf Galaxies and Their Black Holes
    October 25, 2019Maryam ModjazStellar Forensics with the most powerful explosions in the Universe
    November 8, 2019Jess WerkThe Circumgalactic Medium
    November 15, 2019Rosalba PernaMergers of Compact-Objects In the Gravitational Wave Era
    December 13, 2019Volker SpringelHydrodynamical galaxy formation simulations: Current results and future prospects
    December 20, 2019Beth WillmanTBD
  • DateSpeakerTitle
    January 25, 2019Doug KotheDelivering on the Exascale Computing Project Mission for the U.S. Department of Energy
    February 1, 2019Andrew MacFadyenGas dynamics and electromagnetic signatures of gravitational wave sources
    February 8, 2019Max GaspariRaining on Galaxies and Black Holes: Unifying the Micro and Macro Properties of AGN Feeding and Feedback
    February 15, 2019Sarah BallardLifetimes of Planetary Systems around Small Stars
    February 22, 2019Reinhard GenzelTesting General Relativity with Infrared Interferometry in the Center of the Milky Way
    March 8, 2019Josh PeekKinetic Tomography, Spiral Structure, and the Perseus Illusion
    March 15, 2019Gwen RudieThe Circumgalactic Medium of Star-Forming Galaxies at 2
    March 22, 2019Rachael BeatonEngineering the Measurement of the Hubble Constant
    March 29, 2019David KippingExomoons and other strange transit signals
    April 5, 2019Lorenzo SironiFast and furious: magnetic reconnection in relativistic jets and black hole corona
    April 12, 2019Michele CappellariStudying galaxy evolution with integral-field spectroscopy
    April 26, 2019Kathryn JohnstonTBD
    May 10, 2019John WiseThe First Stars, Black Holes, and Galaxies in the Universe
    May 17, 2019Mark KrumholzStar formation, turbulence, transport, and feedback: towards a unified model for the dynamical state of galactic discs
    May 31, 2019Sara EllisonGalaxy mergers in the nearby Universe
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