Simons Foundation Timeline
Foundation receives IRS certification as a 501(c)(3)
1994 – 2001
- Founder-directed gifts to institutions, community organizations, other myriad causes
Stacey Greenebaum, first employee, hired as communications officer; later becomes communications director
- First office established, at 126 East 19th Street
- Maria Adler hired as financial director, later becomes CFO
- Elizabeth Mrozinska hired as hospitality specialist
- Foundation organizes roundtable of scientists on state of autism research; roundtables to become template for future programs
- First annual report
- Decision made to focus mission on basic science and mathematics
- Founder-directed grant (later named Outreach and Education) helps launch Math for America
- Foundation moves to 101 Fifth Avenue
- Second annual report states foundation’s focused mission
- First request for application (RFA) goes out
- Gerald Fischbach joins as scientific director to lead autism program, formally named SFARI, Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative
- Simons Simplex Collection launches
- Marion Greenup joins as vice president of administration
- SFARI Gene launches
- SFARI Base launches
- SFARI launches news division, later called Spectrum, led by Apoorva Mandavilli
- Patricia Weisenfeld joins President’s Office as vice president for Special Initiatives
- Outreach and Education funds first annual World Science Festival
- David Eisenbud hired to build and direct Mathematics and Physical Sciences program (MPS); MPS division established
- Inaugural SFARI investigator meeting in New Orleans
- MPS initiates interim Simons Postdoctoral Fellows program
- Foundation relocates to 160 Fifth Avenue
- Simons Science Series, a monthly interdisciplinary colloquium, launches; series ends in 2015
- Marian Carlson joins SFARI; later becomes director of Life Sciences
- Simons Variations in Individuals Project (Simons VIP) launches
- MPS launches Math+X grants for mathematics
- MPS-funded Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook inaugurated
- 160 Speakers Series launches, with author Jonathan Weiner as first speaker
- SFARI Explorer Award RFA program launches
- Founder-directed $50 million matching challenge grant — combined with $100 million personal gift — marks largest gift in Stony Brook University history
- relaunches with sleek new design and features
- SFARI-funded Simons Center for the Social Brain launches at MIT
- MPS launches Simons Symposium
- Alex Lash joins as chief information officer
- Buttermilk Falls meeting, leads to the creation of Simons Collaborations
- Inauguration of Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at UC Berkeley, supported by MPS grant
- MPS launches Investigator and Fellows programs
- Yuri Tschinkel succeeds David Eisenbud as MPS director
- Simons Science News launches, later becomes Quanta, led by Thomas Lin
- Foundation’s Twitter account launches
- Foundation’s Gerald D. Fischbach Auditorium opens, hosts SFARI annual meeting
- MPS funds Simons Array, led by Brian Keating and Adrian Lee
- Simons Foundation Lectures launches with Science of Climate series
- MPS begins to fund three sites for Africa Mathematics Project
- Louis Reichardt hired as SFARI director, succeeding Gerry Fischbach
- Leslie Greengard joins to direct Simons Center for Data Analysis (SCDA); inception of CCB/Flatiron
- MPS first annual meeting
- Life Sciences launches; foundation’s first collaboration is the Simons Collaboration on the Origins of Life (SCOL)
- relaunches
- MPS funds operating grant to arXiv preprint server at Cornell University
- New collaborations: Ocean Processes and Ecology; Global Brain; Algorithms and Geometry; Many Electron Problem
- SFARI and Autism Speaks create Autism BrainNet, a network of brain banks
- Nick Carriero and Ian Fisk hired to provide infrastructure
and resources to support SCDA - Simons Society of Fellows founded
- Outreach and Education division officially designated
- New collaborations: Homological Mirror Symmetry; It from Qubit
- Foundation’s Facebook page launches
- SFARI news division renamed Spectrum, relaunches on own site,
- SPARK (Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research) launches
- Foundation leases 162 Fifth Ave
- SFARI becomes sole funder of Autism BrainNet
- New collaborations: Cracking the Glass Problem; Nonperturbative Bootstrap; Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis and Physics; Simons Observatory
- David Spergel joins to lead Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA)
- Foundation launches Flatiron Institute; SCDA renamed Center for Computational Biology (CCB); Scientific Computing Core (SCC) established
- Science Sandbox launches
- Life Sciences funds Simons Electron Microscopy Center at New York Structural Biology Center
- New hires begin receiving black Simons Foundation fleeces
- Antoine Georges and Andy Millis named director and
co-director of Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ) - Foundation, SFARI websites relaunch (,
- Global Brain expands to include International Brain Lab
- New collaborations: Principles of Microbial Ecosystems; Computational Biogeochemical Modeling of Marine Ecosystems; Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory and Computation
- The Most Unknown, produced by Motherboard with Outreach and Education funding and support; success leads to launch of Sandbox Films, headed by Greg Boustead
- Center for Computational Mathematics (CCM) launches; led by Leslie Greengard
- Green team established: Goodbye, plastic; hello, blue water bottles
- Simons Foundation Presents series launches
- New collaborations: Hidden Symmetries and Fusion Energy; Localization of Waves
- Improved SFARI Base launches
- Foundation purchases 160 Fifth Avenue building
- New collaborations: Ultra-Quantum Matter; Wave Turbulence
- Human Nature, film about CRISPR co-produced by Outreach and Education–funded Sandbox Films, premieres at South by Southwest
- Euan Robertson joins as foundation’s first chief operating officer
- Michael Shelley named director of CCB
- Simons VIP rebranded as Simons Searchlight
- Flatiron Institute dedicates auditorium to Ingrid Daubechies
- Foundation decides to establish fifth computational center, Center for Computational Neuroscience (CCN)
- Foundation celebrates its 25th anniversary