Conference Spotlight: Cosyne 2018
Cosyne Main meeting
Denver, Colorado
Thursday March 01, 2018
Friday March 02, 2018
9.15a Unsupervised discovery of neural sequences in large-scale recordings. Emily Mackevicius, Andrew Bahle, Alex Williams, Shijie Gu, Natalia Denissenko, Mark Goldman, Michale Fee
11.30a Social behavior shapes hypothalamic neural ensemble representations of conspecific sex. Ryan Remedios, Ann Kennedy, Moriel Zelikowsky, Benjamin Grewe, Mark Schnitzer, David Anderson
3.15p Dopamine neurons projecting to the tail of the striatum reinforce avoidance of threatening stimuli. William Menegas, Korleki Akiti, Naoshige Uchida, Mitsuko Watabe-Uchida
4.15p Marlene Cohen, Understanding the relationship between neural variability and behavior (invited)
5.15p Shared stochastic modulation can facilitate biologically plausible decoding. Caroline Haimerl, Eero Simoncelli
Saturday March 03 2018
8.30a Byron Yu, Brain-computer interfaces for basic science (invited)
9.15a Learning can generate new patterns of neural population activity. Emily Oby, Matthew Golub, Jay Hennig, Alan Degenhart, Elizabeth Tyler-Kabara, Byron Yu, Steve Chase, Aaron Batista
9.30a Control of sensorimotor dynamics through adjustment of inputs and initial condition. Evan Remington, Devika Narain, Eghbal Hosseini, Mehrdad Jazayeri
11.30a Predictive coding of novel versus familiar stimuli in the primary visual cortex. Jan Homann, David Tank, Sue Ann Koay, Alistair M. Glidden, Michael J. Berry II
3.00p A relational odor map in piriform cortex. Stan Pashkovski, Guliano Iurilli, Sandeep Datta
5.15p Propagation of spike timing and firing rate in feedforward networks reconstituted in vitro. Jeremie Barral, Xiao-Jing Wang, Alex Reyes
6.00p SCGB Computational + Experimental Matchmaking.
Registration required.
Note: this event is full but a waiting list is available. Contact Kim Scobie at
Sunday March 04, 2018
9.15a Orbitofrontal and parietal contributions to economic decisions in rats. Christine Constantinople, Charles Kopec, Carlos Brody
9.30a Widespread cortical involvement in evidence-based navigation. Lucas Pinto, David Tank, Carlos Brody, Stephan Thiberge
9.45a Principles governing the integration of landmark and self-motion cues in entorhinal cortical codes for navigation. Malcolm Campbell, Samuel Ocko, Caitlin Mallory, Surya Ganguli, Lisa Giocomo
11.30a Motor preparation through rebound in an identified sensory integrator. Maarten Zwart, En Yang, Ziqian Wei, Nikita Vladimirov, Sujatha Narayan, Minoru Koyama, Ahmed Abdelfattah, Jonathan Grimm, Luke Lavis, Eric Schreiter, Takashi Kawashima, Shin-ichi Higashijima, Shaul Druckmann, Misha Ahrens
2.00p A cross-species analysis of accumulation of evidence under non-sensory uncertainty and its modulation by the prefrontal cortex. Pietro Vertechi, Eran Lottem, Dario Sarra, Beatriz Godinho, Isaac Treves, Tiago Quendera, Matthijs Oude Lohuis, Zachary Mainen
2.15p Individual animals use distinct strategies in a changing spatial memory task. David Kastner, Anna Gillespie, Peter Dayan, Loren Frank
Cosyne Workshops
Breckenridge, Colorado
Monday, March 5
Cortical circuits: functions and models of long-range connections
Organizers: Florin Albeanu, Alex Kwan, Seung-Hee Lee, Leopoldo Petreanu
Summit gallery, Peaks 9, 10
09.45–10.15a Peter Latham, A probabilistic top-down approach for demixing odors
RNNs: What are we doing and why?
Organizers: Andrea Benucci, David Sussillo
Summit gallery, Peaks 11, 12
09.05–09.40a Dan Yamins, Convolutional recurrent network models of ventral stream neural dynamics
05.10–05.45p Byron Yu, Low-dimensional population activity in recurrent spiking networks
06.05–06.40p Mehrdad Jazayeri, Relating sensorimotor timing to brain dynamics: Insights from integrating recurrent neural networks with electrophysiology
Model-Based Cognition: Hierarchical Reasoning and Sequential Planning
Organizers: Kevin J. Miller, Braden Purcell, Kimberly L. Stachenfeld, Bas van Opheusden, Roozbeh Kiani
Breckenridge ballroom, Peak 16
09.10–09.40a Roozbeh Kiani, Hierarchical decisions about choice and change of strategy
SCGB Computational + Experimental Matchmaking.
Note: this event is full but a waiting list is available. Contact Kim Scobie at
Tuesday, 06 March 2018
Brain-wide neuronal dynamics and inter-area communication: recordings, analysis, and theory – Day 2
Organizer: Anna Ivic Jasper and João Semedo
Summit gallery, Peaks 6, 7, 8
04.30–05.10p Brent Doiron, Internally generated variability and the propagation of information across brain areas
05.10–05.50p Bijan Pesaran, Neural coherence during coordination and decision making–correlations and causation
06.45–07.25p Mark Churchland, Division of labor between the hemispheres during movement generation
RNNs: What are we doing and why?
Organizers: Andrea Benucci, David Sussillo
Summit gallery, Peaks 11, 12
08.25–09.00a Larry Abbott, Untangling in recurrent networks and motor cortices
10.00–10.35a Maneesh Sahani, Describing non-linear latent dynamics
10.40–11.15a Surya Ganguli, TBD
04.55–05.30p Valerio Mante, Inferring neural dynamics from trial-by-trial variability in population responses
Manifold-splaining: what the theorist said to the experimentalist
Organizers: Amelia J. Christensen, Adam Calhoun
Breckenridge ballroom, Peak 14
10.45–11.15a Jonathan Pillow, New tools for finding manifolds underlying simultaneously recorded spike trains
04.30–04.40p Adam Calhoun, MANIFOLDS