Markus Ammann, Ph.D.
Paul Scherrer InstituteMarkus Ammann is head of the Multiphase Chemistry group of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry at Paul Scherrer Institute and an adjunct professor at ETH Zürich in the Institute of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences of the Department of Environmental Systems Sciences. He has received his Ph.D. from ETH Zürich in the field of volcanic aerosols. He has a long track record of activities related to the kinetics of trace gas-aerosol interactions in terms of experimental quantification but also of the further development of kinetics and thermodynamics concepts for multiphase atmospheric chemistry. Ammann is member of the Task Group on Atmospheric Chemical Kinetic Data Evaluation of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Over the past decade, he has developed an in situ surface spectroscopy method, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, for the investigation of surface chemical composition, structure and reactivity on ice, mineral dust and aqueous solutions under atmospheric conditions. This has brought along unprecedented information about multiphase chemistry processes and allows better quantification of parameters essential for the description of import atmospheric chemical processes in models.