The Generalized Green’s function Cluster Expansion: A Python package for simulating polarons
Matthew R. Carbone, Stepan Fomichev, Andrew J. Millis, Mona Berciu, D. Reichman, John Sous
Unidirectional subsystem symmetry in a hole-doped honeycomb-lattice Ising magnet
Sambuddha Sanyal, A. Wietek, John Sous
On the potentially transformative role of auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo in quantum chemistry: A highly accurate method for transition metals and beyond
James Shee, John Weber, David Reichman, Richard Friesner, S. Zhang
Supermoiré low-energy effective theory of twisted trilayer graphene
Yuncheng Mao, D. Guerci, Christophe Mora
A density-matrix renormalization group algorithm for simulating quantum circuits with a finite fidelity
Thomas Ayral, Thibaud Louvet, Yiqing Zhou, Cyprien Lambert, E. Miles Stoudenmire, Xavier Waintal
Evidence of a 2D Electron Gas in a Single-Unit-Cell of Anatase TiO2 (001)
Alessandro Troglia, Chiara Bigi, Ivana Vobornik, Jun Fujii, Daniel Knez, Regina Ciancio, Goran Dražić, Marius Fuchs, D. Di Sante, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Giorgio Rossi, Pasquale Orgiani, Giancarlo Panaccione
Toward Neural Network Simulation of Variational Quantum Algorithms
Oliver Knitter, James Stoke, S. Veerapaneni
Planckian behavior of cuprate superconductors: Reconciling the scaling of optical conductivity with resistivity and specific heat
B. Michon, C. Berthod, C. W. Rischau, A. Ataei, L. Chen, S. Komiya, S. Ono, L. Taillefer, D. Marel, A. Georges
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