563 Publications

Variational bounds and nonlinear stability of an active nematic suspension

We use the entropy method to analyse the nonlinear dynamics and stability of a continuum kinetic model of an active nematic suspension. From the time evolution of the relative entropy, an energy-like quantity in the kinetic model, we derive a variational bound on relative entropy fluctuations that can be expressed in terms of orientational order parameters. From this bound we show isotropic suspensions are nonlinearly stable for sufficiently low activity, and derive upper bounds on spatiotemporal averages in the unstable regime that are consistent with fully nonlinear simulations. This work highlights the self-organising role of activity in particle suspensions, and places limits on how organised such systems can be.

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Martini without the twist: Unveiling a mechanically correct microtubule through bottom-up coarse-graining in Martini 3

Microtubules are essential cytoskeletal filaments involved in cell motility, division, and intracellular transport. These biomolecular assemblies can exhibit complex structural be-haviors influenced by various biophysical factors. However, simulating microtubule systems at the atomistic scale is challenging due to their large spatial scales. Here, we present an approach utilizing the Martini 3 Coarse-Grained (CG) model coupled with an appropriate elastic network to simulate microtubule-based systems accurately. By iteratively optimiz-ing the elastic network parameters, we matched the structural fluctuations of CG hetero-dimer building blocks to their atomistic counterparts. Our efforts culminated in a ∼ 200nm microtubule built with ∼ 6 million interaction-centers that could reproduce experimentally observed mechanical properties. Our aim is to employ these CG simulations to investigate specific biophysical phenomena at a microscopic level. These microscopic perspectives can provide valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms and contribute to our knowledge of microtubule-associated processes in cellular biology. With MARTINI 3 CG simulations, we can bridge the gap between computational efficiency and molecular detail, enabling in-vestigations into these biophysical processes over longer spatio-temporal scales with amino acid-level insights.

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June 1, 2024

MousiPLIER: A Mouse Pathway-Level Information Extractor Model

Shuo Zhang , Benjamin J. Heil, W. Mao , et al.

High throughput gene expression profiling measures individual gene expression across conditions. However, genes are regulated in complex networks, not as individual entities, limiting the interpretability of gene expression data. Machine learning models that incorporate prior biological knowledge are a powerful tool to extract meaningful biology from gene expression data. Pathway-level information extractor (PLIER) is an unsupervised machine learning method that defines biological pathways by leveraging the vast amount of published transcriptomic data. PLIER converts gene expression data into known pathway gene sets, termed latent variables (LVs), to substantially reduce data dimensionality and improve interpretability. In the current study, we trained the first mouse PLIER model on 190,111 mouse brain RNA-sequencing samples, the greatest amount of training data ever used by PLIER. We then validated the mousiPLIER approach in a study of microglia and astrocyte gene expression across mouse brain aging. mousiPLIER identified biological pathways that are significantly associated with aging, including one latent variable (LV41) corresponding to striatal signal. To gain further insight into the genes contained in LV41, we performed k-means clustering on the training data to identify studies that respond strongly to LV41. We found that the variable was relevant to striatum and aging across the scientific literature. Finally, we built a web server (http://mousiplier.greenelab.com/) for users to easily explore the learned latent variables. Taken together this study defines mousiPLIER as a method to uncover meaningful biological processes in mouse brain transcriptomic studies.

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May 24, 2024

Temperature compensation through kinetic regulation in biochemical oscillators

Yuhai Tu, et al.

Nearly all circadian clocks maintain a period that is insensitive to temperature changes, a phenomenon known as temperature compensation (TC). Yet, it is unclear whether there is any common feature among different systems that exhibit TC. From a general timescale invariance, we show that TC relies on the existence of certain period-lengthening reactions wherein the period of the system increases strongly with the rates in these reactions. By studying several generic oscillator models, we show that this counterintuitive dependence is nonetheless a common feature of oscillators in the nonlinear (far-from-onset) regime where the oscillation can be separated into fast and slow phases. The increase of the period with the period-lengthening reaction rates occurs when the amplitude of the slow phase in the oscillation increases with these rates while the progression speed in the slow phase is controlled by other rates of the system. The positive dependence of the period on the period-lengthening rates balances its inverse dependence on other kinetic rates in the system, which gives rise to robust TC in a wide range of parameters. We demonstrate the existence of such period-lengthening reactions and their relevance for TC in all four model systems we considered. Theoretical results for a model of the Kai system are supported by experimental data. A study of the energy dissipation also shows that better TC performance requires higher energy consumption. Our study unveils a general mechanism by which a biochemical oscillator achieves TC by operating in parameter regimes far from the onset where period-lengthening reactions exist.

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Molecular adaptations in response to exercise training are associated with tissue-specific transcriptomic and epigenomic signatures

Venugopalan D. Nair , Hanna Pincas, W. Mao , et al.

Regular exercise has many physical and brain health benefits, yet the molecular mechanisms mediating exercise effects across tissues remain poorly understood. Here we analyzed 400 high-quality DNA methylation, ATAC-seq, and RNA-seq datasets from eight tissues from control and endurance exercise-trained (EET) rats. Integration of baseline datasets mapped the gene location dependence of epigenetic control features and identified differing regulatory landscapes in each tissue. The transcriptional responses to 8 weeks of EET showed little overlap across tissues and predominantly comprised tissue-type enriched genes. We identified sex differences in the transcriptomic and epigenomic changes induced by EET. However, the sex-biased gene responses were linked to shared signaling pathways. We found that many G protein-coupled receptor-encoding genes are regulated by EET, suggesting a role for these receptors in mediating the molecular adaptations to training across tissues. Our findings provide new insights into the mechanisms underlying EET-induced health benefits across organs.

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Learning fast, accurate, and stable closures of a kinetic theory of an active fluid

Important classes of active matter systems can be modeled using kinetic theories. However, kinetic theories can be high dimensional and challenging to simulate. Reduced-order representations based on tracking only low-order moments of the kinetic model serve as an efficient alternative, but typically require closure assumptions to model unrepresented higher-order moments. In this study, we present a learning framework based on neural networks that exploits rotational symmetries in the closure terms to learn accurate closure models directly from kinetic simulations. The data-driven closures demonstrate excellent a-priori predictions comparable to the state-of-the-art Bingham closure. We provide a systematic comparison between different neural network architectures and demonstrate that nonlocal effects can be safely ignored to model the closure terms. We develop an active learning strategy that enables accurate prediction of the closure terms across the entire parameter space using a single neural network without the need for retraining. We also propose a data-efficient training procedure based on time-stepping constraints and a differentiable pseudo-spectral solver, which enables the learning of stable closures suitable for a-posteriori inference. The coarse-grained simulations equipped with data-driven closure models faithfully reproduce the mean velocity statistics, scalar order parameters, and velocity power spectra observed in simulations of the kinetic theory. Our differentiable framework also facilitates the estimation of parameters in coarse-grained descriptions conditioned on data.

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Microstructure-Based Modeling of Primary Cilia Mechanics

Nima Mostafazadeh, Y.-N. Young, et al.

A primary cilium, made of nine microtubule doublets enclosed in a cilium membrane, is a mechanosensing organelle that bends under an external mechanical load and sends an intracellular signal through transmembrane proteins activated by cilium bending. The nine microtubule doublets are the main load-bearing structural component, while the transmembrane proteins on the cilium membrane are the main sensing component. No distinction was made between these two components in all existing models, where the stress calculated from the structural component (nine microtubule doublets) was used to explain the sensing location, which may be totally misleading. For the first time, we developed a microstructure-based primary cilium model by considering these two components separately. First, we refined the analytical solution of bending an orthotropic cylindrical shell for individual microtubule, and obtained excellent agreement between finite element simulations and the theoretical predictions of a microtubule bending as a validation of the structural component in the model. Second, by integrating the cilium membrane with nine microtubule doublets and simulating the tip-anchored optical tweezer experiment on our computational model, we found that the microtubule doublets may twist significantly as the whole cilium bends. Third, besides being cilium-length-dependent, we found the mechanical properties of the cilium are also highly deformation-dependent. More important, we found that the cilium membrane near the base is not under pure in-plane tension or compression as previously thought, but has significant local bending stress. This challenges the traditional model of cilium mechanosensing, indicating that transmembrane proteins may be activated more by membrane curvature than membrane stretching. Finally, we incorporated imaging data of primary cilia into our microstructure-based cilium model, and found that comparing to the ideal model with uniform microtubule length, the imaging-informed model shows the nine microtubule doublets interact more evenly with the cilium membrane, and their contact locations can cause even higher bending curvature in the cilium membrane than near the base.

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April 27, 2024

Multiscale simulations of molecular recognition by phase separated MUT-16: A scaffolding protein of Mutator foci

Kumar Gaurav, Virginia Busetto, S. Hanson

Biomolecular recruitment by phase separated condensates has emerged as a key organising principle of biological processes. One such process is the RNA silencing pathway, which regulates gene expression and genomic defense against foreign nucleic acids. In C. elegans, this pathway involves siRNA amplification at perinuclear germ granules named Mutator foci. The formation of Mutator foci depends on the phase separation of MUT-16, acting as a scaffolding protein to recruit other components of the Mutator complex. Earlier studies have indicated a crucial role for an exoribonuclease, MUT-7, in RNA silencing. The recruitment of MUT-7 to Mutator foci is facilitated by a bridging protein, MUT-8. However, how MUT-8 binds to MUT-16 remains elusive. We resolved the molecular drivers of MUT-16 phase separation and the recruitment of MUT-8 using multi-scale molecular dynamics simulations and in vitro experiments. Residue-level coarse-grained simulations predicted the relative phase separation propensities of MUT-16 disordered regions, which we validated by experiments.

Coarse-grained simulations at residue-level and near atomic-resolution also indicated the essential role of aromatic amino acids (Tyr and Phe) in MUT-16 phase separation. Furthermore, coarse-grained and atomistic simulations of MUT-8 N-terminal prion-like domain with phase separated MUT-16 condensate revealed the importance of cation-π interaction between Tyr residues of MUT-8 and Arg/Lys residues of MUT-16. By re-introducing atomistic detail to condensates from coarse-grained and 350 µs all-atom simulations in explicit solvent on Folding@Home, we demonstrate Arg-Tyr interaction surpasses the strength of Lys-Tyr interactions in the recruitment of MUT-8. The atomistic simulations show that the planar guanidinium group of Arg also engages in sp2-π interaction, and hydrogen bonds with the Tyr residues and these additional favorable contacts are missing in the Lys-Tyr interactions. In agreement with simulations, the mutation of seven Arg residues in MUT-16 to Lys and Ala weakens MUT-8 binding in vitro.

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April 15, 2024

Design of Coiled-Coil Protein Nanostructures for Therapeutics and Drug Delivery

D. Renfrew, et al.

Coiled-coil protein motifs have become widely employed in the design of biomaterials. Some of these designs have been studied for use in drug delivery due to the unique ability of coiled-coils to impart stability, oligomerization, and supramolecular assembly. To leverage these properties and improve drug delivery, release, and targeting, a variety of nano- to mesoscale architectures have been adopted. Coiled-coil drug delivery and therapeutics have been developed by using the coiled-coil alone, designing for higher-order assemblies such as fibers and hydrogels, and combining coiled-coil proteins with other biocompatible structures such as lipids and polymers. We review the recent development of these structures and the design criteria used to generate functional proteins of varying sizes and morphologies.

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Deep Learning Sequence Models for Transcriptional Regulation

Deciphering the regulatory code of gene expression and interpreting the transcriptional effects of genome variation are critical challenges in human genetics. Modern experimental technologies have resulted in an abundance of data, enabling the development of sequence-based deep learning models that link patterns embedded in DNA to the biochemical and regulatory properties contributing to transcriptional regulation, including modeling epigenetic marks, 3D genome organization, and gene expression, with tissue and cell-type specificity. Such methods can predict the functional consequences of any noncoding variant in the human genome, even rare or never-before-observed variants, and systematically characterize their consequences beyond what is tractable from experiments or quantitative genetics studies alone. Recently, the development and application of interpretability approaches have led to the identification of key sequence patterns contributing to the predicted tasks, providing insights into the underlying biological mechanisms learned and revealing opportunities for improvement in future models.

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