SCGB NY-Area Postdoc Meeting Series

Date & Time

The Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain hosts a postdoc-focused NYC-area group meeting every other month. The purpose of the meeting is to bring together postdocs interested in neural coding and dynamics to discuss ideas and data.
The meeting is co-organized by Kanaka Rajan and James Murray. The speakers this month are:

Corey Ziemba
Postdoctoral Fellow at NYU, Movshon and Simoncelli Labs
Linking physiology and perception with targeted naturalistic stimuli

James Heys
SCGB Fellow at Northwestern University, Dombeck lab
Neural representations of time and space underlying episodic memory

Dinner and beverages will be provided. Please forward this to colleagues that you think will be interested. We look forward to seeing you there!

Note: The Postdoc Meeting Series is open only to postdocs.
Contact [email protected] to be added to the guest list and for information on future postdoc meetings.

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