SCGB NY-Area Postdoc Meeting
The Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain hosts a postdoc-focused NYC-area group meeting every other month to bring together postdocs interested in neural coding and dynamics, to discuss ideas and data.
PLEASE NOTE THE NEW LOCATION: 162 5th Ave, 3rd Floor, in the Flatiron Institute.
The meeting is co-organized by Adam Calhoun and James Murray. The speakers this month are:
Guangyu Robert Yang
Junior Fellow, Simons Society of Fellows/ Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Zuckerman Institute, Columbia University, Abbott lab
Recovering the Connectivity of Olfactory Systems Using Artificial Neural Networks
Ida Momennejad
Associate Research Scientist at Columbia University, Jacobs lab
Multi-scale Predictive Representations in Memory and Planning
Dinner and beverages will be served. Please forward this to colleagues that you think will be interested. We look forward to seeing you there!
SAVE THE DATE: the next SCGB NY-area Postdoc Meeting will be May 6, 2019.
To receive invitations for regional postdoc meetings, register here: