WATCH: Quantum Cafe with Liang Fu
Quantum Café is CCQ’s ongoing seminar series: open to all bona fide members of the greater NYC scientific community and held every second week, Quantum Café presents a series of informal, highly interactive talks, typically by external speakers, which present the most interesting recent developments and open questions in our field.
Title: The Magic of Graphene Superlattice: From Correlated Insulator to Superconductor
Abstract: Recent experiments on bilayer graphene at certain “magic” twist angle have discovered unusual insulating and superconducting states. I will present theoretical ideas of how these states may emerge from ordering instabilities of interacting electrons within a narrow band. Our theory identifies the insulating state at the filling of two electrons per supercell as a charge/spin density wave, and predicts superconductivity in its neighborhood as having d/p-wave pairing symmetry. I will also discuss open problems and challenges in studying many-body physics of graphene superlattices.