Former CCQ Flatiron Research Fellow Riccardo Rossi Awarded 2024 Hermann Kümmel Early Achievement Award in Many-Body Physics

Physicist Riccardo Rossi has received the 2024 Hermann Kümmel Early Achievement Award in Many-Body Physics for his groundbreaking research in computational quantum field theory.

The award, established by the International Advisory Committee of the Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (RPMBT) conference series, highlighted Rossi’s “groundbreaking advances in computational quantum field theory for many-fermion problems, including determinant algorithms for connected-diagram expansions and resummation techniques, leading to key results on the unitary Fermi gas and the Hubbard model.”

Several of these key results were obtained while Rossi was a Flatiron Research Fellow at the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Quantum Physics (2018–2020). He is now a researcher at CNRS in France and EPFL in Switzerland.

The prize will be awarded at the upcoming 22nd International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body-Theories in Tsukuba, Japan.

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